Shoe to the face

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Nova •

'Jesus your heavy' Jacks voice woke me up, I shot my eyes open to find myself being carried inside by Jack, his keys in his mouth which was weirdly attractive? But I didn't say that.

'I can walk' I mumbled as he plopped me down on a sofa that was most definitely not mine. This one was actually comfortable, it had a blanket running along the back and fluffy cushions scattered across it.

'Here' I was handed a glass of ice water and two tablets which I took quickly downing the water and finally feeling more human again and less like the Sahara desert. I rubbed my eyes slightly and looked around, I knew this house but I didn't think I'd ever be back here. Not after last time.

'I thought you were taking me home?' I asked whilst looking around the room. Jack sat down next to me on the couch, his own glass of water in his hand.

'I was but you fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you to ask you for the keys to your place so I brought you here, I can take you home now though' he explained and I pondered for a moment before realising I was far too tired to move again.

'I'll just walk home in the morning' I responded whilst stretching my tired limbs out, making sure to kick Jack gently with my legs. He chuckled at the state of me and stood up, covering me in the blanket that was on the back of the sofa.

'Goodnight trouble' Jack laughed and headed upstairs, I watched as his figure disappeared up the staircase and into his bedroom.
I snuggled up to the blanket and closed my eyes allowing myself to relax into the sofa and fall asleep.


'Sugar' the sound of something falling and hitting the floor woke me up, my eyes opened slowly and adjusted to the small amount of light that was coming down the corridor.
I sat up and stretched out, I removed my dress and was just in my underwear, wrapping the blanket around me I walked slowly towards in the direction of the noise.

'Ah fuck' Jack jumped when he saw me and leant against the counter holding his chest 'you nearly gave me a heart attack' he laughed returning his attention to the toast he was making.

'What the fuck are you doing? It's 4am' I asked harshly, I was no ones friend when I was tired, ask Mason who I once got a shoe to the face for waking me up at 8am for school.

'I got hungry' he responded with a mouth full of toast, I scoffed and grabbed another bottle of water from the fridge.

'You know your cute when your tired and mad' he was still slightly drunk, the way his words were coming out slurred and mumbled confirmed this for me so I ignored him, instead jumping onto the kitchen counter and taking a swig of the cold water, keeping the fluffy blanket wrapped around my body.
Jack was stood opposite me, watching as I sipped the water, I kept my eyes focused on the bottle doing my best to avoid his gaze.

'You remember the last time you were here' that lump from earlier rose in my throat again at his words and I took a deep breath in an attempt to get rid of the butterflies that had rushed to my stomach at the memory.

'Yes Jack I do' Jack took a step closer to me placing his now cold hands on my upper thigh causing goosebumps to appear on my skin.

'You remember this' he whispered in my ear, running his hand further up my leg to the hem of my underwear, he hooked his index finger underneath the finger and snapped it against me, a smirk forming on his face as I jumped. I wanted to move away from him, move my head away from the heat that was coming off of his breath as he whispered in my ear.
I wanted to stand up and walk away, leave him the way he left me the last time I came here, but my body wasn't moving, in fact it was doing quite the opposite.

'I've missed this' Jack hummed against my neck as he left warm kisses on the skin, sucking on my sweet spot underneath my earlobe. A small whimper left my lips and I felt him smile against me. Prick.
His lips traveled along my neck to my jawline where his hands were, he moved the blanket off of me and scanned my body, his dark eyes taking in every part of me.

'Fucking hell Nova' he mumbled, I forgot I'd worn a red lace matching lingerie set, I don't wear it for boys I really don't, particularly not Jack. It always makes me feel better in myself for some reason to be wearing nice underwear, especially this set.

'Jack' I snapped him out of his trance and he looked up at me, his lips inches from mine. My breath hitched in my throat as I looked from his eyes down to his lips. Jacks hand cupped my cheek, his thumb travelling down to my mouth and pulling on my bottom lip.

'We can't do this' I whispered, a sexually charged silence had fallen on the room, other than our breaths the only noise was the gentle ticking of the clock as each second passed.

'Why not?' Our lips were touching, Jacks top lip gently caressing mine as he spoke, my breaths where shuddering as they came out, the butterflies in my stomach begging for me to lean forward and connect us.

'I've missed your body' Jack mumbled, both of us had our eyes closed now, begging each other to make the move that would lead to what we knew we both wanted.
Just like that Jacks lips found themselves on mine firmly pressed together and moving in a blissful pattern. He stood in between my legs, arms wrapped around my lower waist and hooking underneath me gently lifting me from the counter.

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