A leopard never changes its fucking spots

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Nova •

Another day another party the boys were throwing, this time it was Dec and Mason who had decided to throw a party for Kyle and Johns birthdays. I'd gone to the store with Mason to buy decorations whilst Dec and some others tidied the house.

'Oh what about these' Mason jumped up and down like a child as he held up a large packet containing penis shaped balloons. I raised my eyebrow at him and he giggled to himself, throwing the packet into the trolley and continuing down the aisles.
We chucked in as much alcohol as we possibly could on top of snacks, ribbons and more balloons, paying and leaving we made our way home.

'So, I think Jack and Sasha are back together you know' Mason had his eyes focused on his phone screen, my stomach dropped at his words, my heart beginning to pound rapidly in my chest and butterflies flapped around in my stomach.
I did my very best to act as natural as I could, attempting to keep my face still, eyes on the road and hands as still as they possibly could despite the adrenaline attempting to make them shake.

'And I should care because?' I trailed off, pulling up on the driveway and parking the car. I sat back in my seat and took a few deep breaths sending the over active butterflies to sleep.

'Maybe he'll bring her later, I think you'd get along' Mason climbed out of the car and grabbed some of the bags from the boot. I too grabbed a couple and began carrying them inside to where the boys were.

'How much did you buy?' A shocked expression appeared on Decs face as the final bags were carried in and placed onto the kitchen counter, Cody, Bukayo and Phil began searching through the bags, pulling the alcohol into the fridge.

'I swear if you took my bank card' Dec warned and I laughed handing him back his wallet the Mason stole this morning.

'I'm moving out, I am actually moving out' Dec walked away his hands in the air and head hung low as he shook it from side to side.


'Cheers lads, and Nova' we held our glasses up and did a toast to the boys birthdays.
Music was playing, people were chatting, dancing, singing and flirting all over the place whilst I anxiously awaited Jacks arrival.

It turned out I didn't have to wait long because shortly after we had all done our toast and headed to the garden where some other people were, Jack walked through the door. I knew it was him by the way all of the other boys ran over screaming at him, most of them already tipsy. He came over to join us, sitting across from me next to Kyle.

'So, where's Sasha?' My stomach dropped at the mention of her name, surely Mason was wrong earlier? This had to have been something that came up accidentally or just, I don't know anything other than real.
I did my best to keep my eyes away from Jacks direction, I looked around the group, all of us sat on a big blanket we had laid out on the grass. Everybody was looking at Jack waiting for his response, once again my stomach doing flips and heart pounding away in my chest, it was so loud I was certain someone would hear the sound of every beat.

'She's inside grabbing a drink I think' so she really was here, with him, he had brought her here.
My mind went blank, I couldn't think of anything at all, the only thing repeating in my head being what the actual fuck was happening? Did I actually believe he had changed and learned after last time?

'Another drink?' Snapping out of my thoughts I turned to Dec who had an empty cup, he nodded at me and we headed inside. The house was packed with people as we tunnelled our way through to the kitchen finding something to drink and filling the cups. 

'Are you alright? You seem kind of distracted...'


'Earth to Nova' Decs hand appeared in front of my face and I shook my head, looking up at him as he towered over me.

'I think I'm just tired you know, with work and all' I shrugged and he agreed giving me a sympathetic smile and leaning against the counter.
Dec must have noticed I was upset as he opened up his arms and I crashed against his chest, being wrapped up in his arms calmed me down alot, it always has. If I needed laughter and energy I went to Mason but if it was comfort and sympathy I needed, Dec was the guy.

'Oh hey guys! I was just looking for you' I looked up from my position on Decs chest and saw Sasha, Decs arms remained locked around my shoulders and I kept my head on his chest, lifting my head up slightly to look at her beautiful blonde hair that was cascading down her shoulders in gentle waves complimenting her tanned skin perfectly. My words left me, the ability to speak lost somewhere behind my embarrassment at this situation.

'Here we are, Jacks outside' Dec spoke for me and Sasha thanked him, heading off out of the back doors.

'I'm going to bed' I huffed and detached myself from a very confused looking Dec. I didn't give him a chance to speak again as I darted off to his bedroom.
Closing the door behind me I made sure to lock it and let myself slide down the door onto the floor where my knees greeted my chin and tears began to fall.

'Your such an idiot Nova' I mumbled to myself as I attempted to stop the tears from continuously falling down my already drenched cheeks.
After a few more minutes I found the strength in my shaky legs to stand up, wondering over to the window I peered out into the garden, the fresh air immediately making me feel abit better.

Looking down I could see the boys all chatting, Sasha perched on Jacks lap as he ran his hands up and down her back, pressing kisses to her cheek occasionally. I could feel the tears threatening to spill again so I slammed the window shut and threw myself onto Decs bed and crawling under the covers.

'A leopard never changes it's fucking spots'

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