Dont play dumb grealish

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Nova •

'You can sit here if you want' John offered me the seat next to him and I accepted, pulling the chair in towards the table I reached for my glass filling it with some of the water.

'So, are you joining us through the qualifiers?' He asked and I turned my full attention to him as we dove into a conversation about their matches, dates and what I was thinking of doing.
Where I could I definitely wanted to be there with them, this team and the boys were my entire life and not going along for the journey just felt wrong.

'You can always bunk in with me' he winked and I blushed, looking down I could feel eyes burning into me and I directed my eyes up to see Jack glaring at me across the table but he quickly moved his glance when he noticed me looking back at him.

'When's your next shoot?' John asked and I flicked through my calendar on my phone attempting to find the date.

'I've got one for some french designer on Tuesday' I loved doing model work it was so fascinating to me, the way people expressed themselves through fabric and the different emotions you could feel based on the clothing.

'You coming to the house party later on? Last one before the tournament properly starts' John wiggled his eyesbrows up and down and I giggled shaking my head at his silliness.

'Sounds good to me' I agreed and with that I headed back to Annie and Tyla's house to get ready.
They both looked absolutely stunning in their outfits whilst I frantically looking through Annie's wardrobe in an attempt to find something that would make me look less like a potato.

'Try this one' Tyla handed me a black spaghetti strap dress, I took it from her stepping into the soft fabric and pulling it up my legs and onto my body. Twirling around in front of the mirror I grinned at the two of them, happy with their choice.
My hair was already a mess so I simply tied it up in a bun and left my face natural, I really could not be bothered to attempt to find my skin shade in Annie's forest of a makeup bag.

'Wait wait wait, Instagram duh' Annie handed me my phone and we stood in front of the mirror next to the front door, snapping a quick photo before heading out the door.

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Liked by Kylewalker, mollymae, declanrice and 36,000 others.

Nova-Halston: evenin'

We settled on taking a taxi over to Kyle and Johns place none of us wanting to attempt to find parking and then go and get our car in the morning. Walking through the doors of the house it was already fully of people, the music was pounding and every surface in sight had drinks on them.

'You came!' Dec and Mason came up from behind me giving me a hug and dragging me over to the kitchen, the pair obviously already drunk. Handing me a drink I looked at the both of them, their faces displaying mischievous looks as they demanded I downed the drink. The liquor taste like shit as it went down my throat and into my stomach, the warm feeling spreading across my body and filling me with confidence. I looked around the crowded living room there were dancing bodies everywhere, laughter filled the room as myself Mason and Dec made our way out to the garden.

'Ah I can hear myself think' Mason sighed as he fell backwards onto a massive beanbag.

'When did you become such an old man' I teased as I sat down next to him.

'When he started babysitting you' I rolled my eyes as Jack sat opposite us next to Dec, his deep brown eyes piercing into mine giving me some feelings I wasn't comfortable admitting to myself.

'Ha ha what a comedian' Mason chuckled to himself as I spoke and I watched on in Jacks direction as he eyed the various girls that walked past, he scanned their bodies as they moved and it made me feel sick.

'Anyone take you fancy, manwhore?' Jacks head snapped in my direction and he narrowed his eyes at me whilst curling his top lip up.
The facial expression he currently held only causing me to laugh, irritating him even more. He stood up and walked over to me, Mason and Dec had lost themselves in conversation about Penguins and hadn't noticed the way Jack crouched down next to my ear, his lips hovering over my ear.
Goosebumps erupted all over my skin as his hot breath fanned my neck.

'You take my fancy' he whispered before standing up and leaving, my eyes widened at his words and I swallowed hard attempting to get rid of the flushed feeling that had rushed over me at the encounter.

'You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost' something like that my brain thought and I slapped the thought away telling the boys I was going to the bathroom and quickly making my exit. I walked through the patio doors and was immediately faced by Jack and some leggy blonde, lips locked and bodies moving against each other's in ways no one should be when other people can see.
A lump rose in my through but I pushed it back down scoffing at the pair and shoving past them. After fighting my way through to crowd of people in the living room I finally made it to the front door and walked out, sitting down on the front step.

'He's such a douche' I muttered to myself, picking a cigarette out of my bag and lighting it, disgusting habit I know but I only ever smoke when I'm drunk or stressed and tonight I was both.
My attention was snatched from my thoughts by the sound of the front door opening and footsteps coming towards me, I kept my gaze focused forward only glancing to the side when a pair of tanned legs appeared next to me.

'What do you want Jack' I huffed and looked at him, a smug look plastered on his face.

'I already told you that' he smirked and I rolled my eyes in response taking a final drag from my cigarette and stomping on it aggressively.

'You shouldn't smoke, bad for the lungs' he added but this time I gave him no reaction, instead choosing to smack him across the face in my mind.

'Your kinda rude, you know that?' He was looking right at me, my mouth still remaining closed as he rambled onto himself about my supposed attitude problem that he'd decided to diagnose me with.

'Maybe if you were more tolerable I'd be nicer to you' I snapped looking back at him, staring into his deep eyes I could feel myself getting drawn in to his stupid smirk.

'What?' He asked as I starred at him, I jumped back slightly as his deep accent brought me back to the current moment, looking back down at my lap.

'Who was that girl then?' I motioned inside and he turned around looking at the now closed front door.

'Which girl'

'Don't play dumb grealish' I warned and he raised his eyebrows, a confused look on his face as I looked blankly back at him.

'You mean Sasha? The blonde?' I nodded to his answer and he gave a low laugh shaking his head.


'Fuck off'

'You know it's normal to have feelings right?' Jack spoke and I sighed, leaning to the side slightly and resting my now tiring body on the wall. I yawned slightly and closed my eyes for a moment.

'You want me to take you home?' Jack offered and I opened my eyes again before raising one eyebrow in confusion. Why was he being nice to me? He's usually the one winding me up.

'It's just a lift home, I'm not asking you to fucking marry me' he joked and I chuckled slightly at his comment before following him over to his car, he opened the door for me and I climbed in. The silence inside the car whilst he walked around was beautiful, almost peaceful enough to send me to sleep.

Authors notes.
I actually hate making it so characters hate each other but we'll see how they go! Also I'm not hating on Sasha before people come for me, I freaking love that girl she's so beautiful and hilarious I'm purely using the character for the book :)))

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