Fighting for her life

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'Hmmm I thought she'd of been back by now' my body landed on the big double bed as Mason sat down on the floor attempting to take his shoes off.
Eventually he gave up and threw his arms and legs out in a big huff, finding a cup on the floor and throwing it in the car then catching it, repeating this over and over again.

'I'm going to call her' just as I was about to press call on her contact there was a knock at the door, I rushed over to open it and found Tyrone holding Nova in a bridal hold.
He carried her inside and placed her on the bed, Mason quickly encasing her with his arms and rocking her as she began to cry.

'Here dress is ripped, she's not got any underwear on and theres a lot of bruises, I just found her outside the hotel' Tyrone explained everything from start to finish before he closed the door and sat down on the sofa looking over with concern.

'Nova? What happened beautiful?' Her eyes were bruised, so much so that she could hardly open them. She was unable to get her words out, the only reaction to our question being the intensifying of her tears.
Mason adjusted his position with her ontop of him, she curled up in his arms and as she moved I noticed the blood coming from the back of her dress. I pointed it out to Mason and Tyrone who both let out a sigh as we all realised what had happened.

'It's okay, it's over now' slowly but surely she was beginning to calm down, the cries became less and less until she became a quiet shell of herself in Masons arms.
He continued to press kisses to the top of her hair whilst rocking her gently, just like we did the first time this happened. An idea pinged into my head, it was definitely a long shot that it would work but anything was worth a try when she was in this much of a state.

'Do you want Jack here?'

Slowly Nova's tear stained face turned to face me, the smallest glimmer of a smile visible on her face as she gently nodded yes to my question. Tyrone went off to go and find Jack whilst we helped Nova into some comfortable clothes. We were careful not to let her see the blood that had stained her beautiful dress, throwing it into a black bag as soon as it was off and replacing it with a pair of Masons England joggers and a matching hoodie. She shuffled slowly back through to the other room, crawling under the bedsheets and curling up into a ball.

'Where is he' that was the first time I'd heard her voice that evening, it was so croaky and broken, hardly any sound at all. She's been screaming for her life, that I knew for sure. Joining her on the bed I gently ran my fingers through her hair and she closed her eyes, coming closer to rest her head in my lap. There was a comfortable yet destroying silence in the room as we waited for Jack to come, would he even come now? Last I heard, the pair weren't speaking.

My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock at the door, Mason went over to the door and opened it, the sound of Jacks voice instantly reassuring me that the pair would somehow be okay. He took one look at Novas tired body and rushed over, scooping her up from Mason and holding her in his arms. Neither of them said anything instead Nova's small and bruised arms went around his waist whilst he pressed gentle kisses to the top of her head.

'What happened baby?' We all wanted to ask, but none of us had the guts, scared she'd bolt or something.
That was the thing about Nova, she was a mysterious one, you'd never know what she was thinking before she did something wild.

'I-' watching the way she struggled to get her words out was heart breaking, you could practically hear the strain on her vocal cords as she spoke.

'I was pulled into one of the side roads and, and r-ra' Jack shushed her, instead of letting her finish he simply pulled her closer to his body, resting his chin ontop of her head as she cried.

'Do you want to come back to my room?' She gently nodded and he stood up from the bed, bending down to pick her up I held the door open for them as he carried her out.

'I'll see you in the morning okay, your safe now' with one final kiss to her head Jack began walking away, heading down the corridor back to his room, leaving the rest of us in silence.

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