move on together or not at all

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Nova •

Amber and I watched on with anticipation as the match played out, a comfortable silence surrounding us as the minutes ticked on. Both Mason and Dec were on the pitch and it made me so happy to watch them play together.

'Come on, come on COME ON!' Amber and I both screamed in unison as Dec scored a goal the rest of the team running to him with pride. Sitting back down the rest of the match played out and the boys came away with the win. I waited a while for a phone call from the boys and when it eventually came I ran to my room.

'We're getting back on the plane now' I could hear Dec yawning in the background as Mason spoke and I chuckled.

'Am I on loud speaker?'

'Yep' all of the boys smoke and I laughed again before realising it was a good thing I asked before delving into a conversation far too embarrassing for anyone else to hear.

'Okay shoot, what's wrong' once I knew I was off of loud speaker I sighed and finally let myself release all of the feelings I'd been keeping inside for the past two days.
After I stopped talking I heard Mason puff a breath out like a horse only making Dec copy him until they were both making the same sound on repeat.

'Guys! Come on this is serious what do I do!?' I managed to get there attention and the stupid noises stopped.

'Here's a pretty wild idea' Dec paused, a tense atmosphere quickly descended on me as I waited for him to finish speaking.

'Talk to him' he spoke and I groaned throwing myself back on the bed.

'Right I'm going to get ready I'll see you when you get back' I ended the conversation and plugged my now dying phone back into its charger.

Sitting down in front of the mirror I assessed my face, deciding to apply a light layer of makeup and a darker eye look I got to work. The dress Amber had convinced me to buy was sitting on a hanger over the door and I caught a glimpse of it as I finished my makeup. Standing up I ran my fingers along the fabric, it was still so silky soft and I loved it. Once my underwear and dress was on I found Amber in the kitchen and we headed into town.

'So, your just going to what? Fuck him and Chuck him?' Sipping on my drink I sat back in the chair and groaned to myself.

'He's not interested in me and I'm not interested in him so it's pretty simple is it not?' With an eyebrow raised I posed the question to Amber who held a sceptical look across her tanned skin.

'I mean that's fair enough but atleast take out the BULLSHIT' Amber raised her voice at the end and I darted my head around the bar hoping no one was looking at us as I shushed her.

'What are you talking about and keep your god damn voice down' my voice was hushed down as I spoke to her. Amber leant forward in her chair and looked directly at me not breaking eye contact for even a second as she spoke.

'You two have a history ok, and like it or not that history is gonna follow you around for the rest of your lives so you either admit you both fucked up and move on together or don't move on at all but either way there can't be anymore of this one night stand shite'

Amber was right and I knew that, Jack and I's past was something I'd done my best to keep hidden from pretty much everyone, the only people who knew was Dec Mason and Amber and that was the way I preferred to keep it. Jack and I had been together for a year and a half, no one knew until he went on a night out and cheated then suddenly everybody knew. We had to live very separate lives for three years just for me to get my privacy back and now that I have it I don't plan on loosing it over that douche bag.

'I'll talk to him later'


'I'm so glad your home'

Dec and Mason embraced me in a tight hug as they stepped off of the plane. I nestled my head into Masons neck and he picked me up carrying me through the airport and into the bus to take us home. I must have fallen asleep for awhile because I woke up to the sound of the bus stopping and people piling off.

'Come on, it's party time!' Harry was in my face waking me up by slapping me across the face with his captains arm band.

'I'll take the band and shove it where the sun don't shine if you don't get out of my face' I spoke without opening my eyes but I could tell Harry was laughing by the short breaths I could hear.
Finally I got up and followed him off of the bus and into the meeting room. It was decorated with balloons, picture of all the boys and fairy lights.

We were handed a glass of champagne as we walked through and got ourselves seated. Gareth stood up on one of the small stage areas and began to congratulate all the boys, going on and on about the team and their 'positive impact on the football stage'

Everyone applauded him after the speech and threw themselves into their own conversations. Unfortunately for me I was stuck on a table with Jack and everyone else was already deep in conversation.
Looking up from the table I caught a glimpse of Jack as he gazed across the table at me, his eyes began frantically darting around the room when he saw me looking and I chuckled to myself.
The next time I looked at him I made it clear I needed his attention so when he glanced over at me I motioned to the door and stood up. Taking a quick look over my shoulder I could see him following.

Once I was outside I breathed in the cold air, my lungs aching as the air hit them. There was a bench just across the courtyard and I wondered over sitting down and waiting for Jack. The sky was clear and the stars dazzled down at me, I'd often begged Dec and Mason to lay on the grass in their garden and count the stars with me but so far that has been unsuccessful.

'What's up?'

I was disturbed from my thoughts by Jack as he sat down next to me on the little wooden bench. Taking in a deep breath I prepared myself for a conversation I hadn't planned on having for a long time.

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