Shit the bed

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Nova •
Sitting wrapped in a fluffy blanket I watched on as Jack trained with the Man City team. Luckily for me Phil was still unable to join in on the main training sessions so he was keeping me company for the morning. We'd been sat for roughly an hour drinking hot chocolate when the team finally had a break and I was able to spend some time with Jack.
He jogged over to me, a gentle sweat evident across his tanned skin and that stupid black hairband barely holding his hair back from his face as he moved. 
Once he reached us I stood up, bringing the blanket with me and wrapped my arms around his waist whilst resting my head on his chest, listening in to his heart as it beat gently underneath me.

'You okay? You want me to drive you home or anything?' The way he cared almost too much made me grin from ear to ear whilst my body was filled with a warm tingly feeling. I lifted my head slightly from its position, looking up into his chocolate brown eyes with a small smile.

'I'm okay baby, you don't need to fuss' Jack chuckled at me, shaking his head from side to side and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

'You two make me sick' John giggled from the side of us, patting me on the back gently as he passed us by. I shook my head as I laughed whilst following Jack through the training ground.
We decided to go for lunch so headed to the car park in an attempt to find Jacks car that he had somehow managed to forget where he parked.

'No it's definitely around here somewhere' I wasn't sure whether that was the 10th or 10th hundredth time I'd heard him say that as we aimlessly wondered around the car park, Jack clicking his keys every few steps.
Eventually he located the Range Rover and unlocked it allowing me to climb in.

'Right, where'd you wanna go?' we wondered through town, Jacks hand securely locked around mine as we walked.
A few people had begun to look in our direction, raised eyebrows and confused looks were pointed in our direction at every turn.

'Anywhere where people won't look at me like this' I turned to Jack who was doing an impression of some of the people we had passed, his eyes crossed and wide and mouth as open as physically possible.
I couldn't help the loud burst of chuckles that escaped my mouth as I watched his face, my hand flying to my mouth in an attempt to hide the noise.
We found a small cafe to eat in and sat at the back, it was quiet and cosy, perfect for a quiet lunch.

'What do you want to do for your birthday?' Jack rolled his eyes at the mention of his birthday tomorrow, he'd been avoiding the topic ever since I asked a month ago.


I narrowed my eyes at him and sat back in my chair, placing my cutlery down on the plate and thanking the waiter who took them away almost instantly. I really wanted to do something special for his birthday, it wasn't a special day but it was still a birthday none the less. Mason and I already had a sneaky idea so I was just going to roll with that until Jack said anything.

'I have you, so whatever we do it'll be perfect' what a dork.


'Mason put me down this instant or I swear to god I'll cut your bellend off'

I was returned to the floor with a thud as well as a rather concerned facial expression from Mason who stood in front of me with one eyebrow raised, arms across his chest and one hip sticking out.

'I don't think Jack would like it if you did that' I smacked his arm and continued my attempt to put up the many balloons I had bought for Jacks party. Some say I bought too many, I say I'm just prepared.
The house was decorated and the guests had begun to arrive, quickly being shoved into the back room before Jack arrived. We all stuffed ourselves into the tightest corners, waiting to hear the front door go.

'Babe?' His voice echoed through the room as we all jumped from the other room, laughter filling the space a we watched him scream and jump back.

'AH SHIT THE BED' He screamed and the laughter grew, everybody in fits of giggles as we watched him regain himself and catch his breath, a small smile forming on his face as he recovered from the surprise.

'Happy birthday baby' I grinned whilst running over to him, Jack instantly picking me up in a warm embrace and spinning me around.

'Did you do all of this?' His smile was warm, heart still pounding as I rested my head against his chest, the boys coming over to greet him.

'Only for you'

'I love you baby' he pressed a kiss to my forehead and I beamed up at him, pouting my lips out for him to kiss.


'Always and forever'

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