Went really weird

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Jack •

Nova went inside with Dec ages ago, Dec had already reappeared but Nova was no where to be seen. Maybe she's just drunk too much and passed out, I thought to myself and directed my attention back to the boys.
Sasha wondered out from the back doors and perched herself on my lap. I didn't really think anything of it to be honest, Nova wanted to keep things between us a secret and surely this was the ultimate distraction...was it not?

'Yo, where'd Nova go?' The mention of her name snapped me out of my thoughts and I found myself attempting to listen in on Mason and Decs conversation.

'She went really weird and then went to bed' Dec shrugged and Mason simply nodded turning back to the others. Weird? What does she went weird mean? Like ill or upset? I had far too many questions circling around my head that the sound of a window slamming shut outside made me jump out of my skin.

'What the fuck was that' John shouted as we all looked up in the direction of the sound.

'My bedroom window, Nova's in there she probably wants to go sleep' Dec shrugged it off and I sighed to myself, taking a sip of my drink and doing my absolute best to keep my thoughts away from Nova.

'My place or yours?' Sasha turned to me and whispered in my ear, I swallowed hard at her words.

'Mine' I responded and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Nova was all over my mind, everything I did she was there, every thought, she was it and honestly I didn't hate it.

A buzz from my pocket interrupted my conversation with Kyle. Sasha had gone to talk to Annie so I finally had a chance to breath. Pulling my phone out from my pocket I saw a text from Nova. A smile tugged at my lips as I saw her name on my screen, clicking on it my smile soon faded.

I stood up and headed inside, ignoring the questions being shot in my direction as I left the group

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I stood up and headed inside, ignoring the questions being shot in my direction as I left the group. I had to fight my way through the crowds of people as I made my way through the house and upstairs.
I attempted to open Decs bedroom door but it was locked.

'Nova let me in'

'Fuck off'

'No let me in'

She didn't take much persuading, the door unlocked with a click and I walked in, closing and locking the door behind me. Nova was sat on Decs bed, one of his hoodies encasing her body, hair up in a bun and makeup smeared down her face.

'What have I done?' I asked, sitting on the bed in front of her. A scoff left her mouth as she rolled her eyes looking away from me.


'You really don't know?' Her attention was back on me and I wasn't entirely sure what mood she had, was she angry or hurt or both? But why?

'Who's out there then? Huh?' The boys? Was she mad that I was with the boys and not her? I didn't say anything, scared I'd say the wrong thing and make the situation worse, instead giving her a blank expression.

'Fucking hell Jack you really are thick' she huffed and laid back on the bed. Then it clicked.

'Sasha? This is about her isn't it?'

'Hey the penny finally fucking dropped' one of the things I loved about Nova was her sarcasm, it never failed to make me laugh. I walked over to the side of the bed Nova was laying on, crouching down in front of her.

'I didn't think you wanted people to know about us, so I used her as a distraction' I explained to her but I could see it going in one ear and out of the other.

'I don't care I don't want her here' She rolled backwards and onto the other side. I sighed to myself and jumped onto the bed, straddling her tiny weight but keeping my weight off of her.

'Get off of me Jack I don't want you here either' she began to wriggle and hit at me but I had her hands pinned above her head, a very angry expression plastering itself across her face.

'You know I'd never cheat on you Nove' I used the nickname she loved, and I watched as she softened slightly.

'But you did Jack and how am I supposed to just believe it won't happen again' she was right, the trust between us was shattered four years ago, I just never thought I'd be in the position to earn it back.
Climbing off of her I sat down on the bed, leaning up against the headboard and taking in a few deep breaths.

'I love you okay' the words had left my mouth and entered Nova's ears before I had a chance to think.
Nova's eyes as well as my own shot open at the words, her body jolting up right on the bed and turning to look at me.

'You what?' I huffed and crossed my arms against my chest.

'You heard what I said'

Watching on I noticed the smile that began to tug at her pink lips, her shoulders began to drop and those gorgeous blue eyes softened.

'But I can't keep this' I motioned in between us with my index finger 'I can't keep us a secret if the way I do that, hurts you'

Nova looked down at her hands, fiddling with her fingers for a moment and allowing the words to sink in before she spoke again.

'If we do this' there was a pause as she took a breath and composed her self. 'We do this slowly okay?' I couldn't tell if she was asking me or telling me but either way I was happy.
Instead of speaking I launched myself at her, wrapping my arms around her and giving her a tight squeeze as she giggled and nestled her head into my neck. I released her from my grip and looked down, giving her a gentle kiss which quickly became more heated.

'We're not fucking on my best friends bed' Nova giggled and I agreed crawling off of her. I offered my hand out to her, she took it and I lead her downstairs, hand in hand and ready to do this.

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