Entirely intolerable

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Nova •
Smut warning

I landed gently on the bed and watched on as Jack crawled back up to my lips, kissing me again. Getting lost in the feeling of his lips against mine I forgot about how painfully irritating he is. I reached under his shirt and tugged at it, he recognised the signal and removed the white piece of clothing, revealing his tanned skin and toned abs.

'Stop perving' Jack spoke and pinned my hands above my head, keeping them there as he kissed along my neck, jawline and down my stomach leaving little marks as he went. Finally releasing my hands from their position above my head he pulled my underwear down with his teeth, throwing them somewhere in the room and returning his attention back to me. I was suddenly aware of Jacks fingers inside me, pumping in and out sending me into a frenzy.

'Fuck' I moaned as Jack kissed me whilst moving his fingers, matching the motion of his fingers with the pace of his lips, only intensifying the note that was forming in my stomach.

'Nice baby?' Jack whispered in my ear, his voice was husky and deep it turned me on with each word he spoke until my desperation for him was too much to handle.
I flipped us over and tugged Jacks jeans down kicking them off of the bed and straddling him. Jack placed his hands on my hips and my skin erupted with fire at the feeling of his touch. Slowly I began to grind against him and watched with a pleased smile as he threw his head back.

'Faster baby' Jack commanded and I began to rock my hips more and more, pushing Jack to the edge and holding him there for a no minute.

'You know what happens when you fucking tease me' suddenly Jack was on top of me and without warning he slammed in causing me to yelp.

'Jesus Christ' Jack grunted into my ear and I moaned in response causing him to quicken his pace, I could feel myself tightening around him as he went faster and faster. Jack pinned my hands above my head again and I gazed up at him, watching the way his lips gently parted as he moved against me.

'Shit Nova I-'

'Me too'

My vision blurred and stars appeared under my eyelids as I shut my eyes. My legs were shaking as I came down from my high and regained a grip on reality. Jack plopped down on the bed next to me, bringing the duvet over himself and pulling me into his chest. Wrapping his arms around me I curled up against him.

'That was amazing' Jack whispered, pressing a kiss to my head.

'Don't get used to it' I responded before finally falling asleep. God knows how I'm going to explain this one to Dec and Mas in the morning.


My eyes fluttered open to the light coming in to the room through the blinds. I scrunched my eyes shut again and rolled over stopping when I hit something. Opening my eyes I came face to face with a tanned chest, I jumped back and realised where I was.

'Morning' Jacks groggy morning voice grabbed my attention as I sat up in bed looking at my clothes scattered across the bedroom floor. Did we?

'I should probably head off' I mumbled and began to climb out of bed my body stopping when Jacks arms grabbed me and pulled me back towards him.

'Jack' I huffed as I laid in his arms, I tried not to respond to his touch but naturally my hands began trading patterns along his abs, I giggled as his stomach shuddered under my touch.

'You know your still entirely intolerable' I complained, lifting my head up to look at him, he smirked down at me his hand grabbing onto his crotch as he spoke.

'This wasn't intolerable though was it' he quirked and I scoffed this time actually getting out of bed.
I retrieved my clothes from the floor and jumped into them quickly. Jack sat up in bed and eyed me as I headed towards the front door I span around quickly and looked back in his direction.

'Until next time' I saluted at him and headed off down the stairs and out of his house. The cold air slapped my skin immediately waking me up as I headed down the street. Luckily for me Dec and Mason only lived around the corner so I headed in that direction.
I arrived outside their house and walked through the front door, finding the pair of them lazing around on the sofa playing fifa.

'How is that not a foul you stupid little boy' Dec groaned leaning his head back on the sofa and spotting me as I walked in.

'Oh hey Nova, where'd you go last night?' He asked whilst I got myself a bowl of cereal and cup of tea before joining them on the sofa.

'Don't ask' I groaned. I knew I couldn't lie to my two best friends so it was easier to just avoid the topic all together and act as though nothing had happened.

'A cheeky one night stand was it?' Mason teased and I glared at him across the room causing him to laugh and throw his hands up in surrender.

'What part of 'don't ask' are you two finding difficult?'

The boys didn't ask again, instead turning their attention back to their fifa game for the rest of the morning. I sat quietly on the sofa scrolling through Instagram and looking at the various posts from the party last night.

Masonmount: back when I knew where @Nova_a was 🤷🏼‍♀️🥳Liked by Declanrice, JackGrealish, Nova_a and 56,000 others

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Masonmount: back when I knew where @Nova_a was 🤷🏼‍♀️🥳
Liked by Declanrice, JackGrealish, Nova_a and 56,000 others

'That photo will haunt me forever, you do know that' I groaned at Mason as he giggled knowing how annoyed I'd be that he'd posted that, but it was a good memory of the night so I couldn't be too mad at him.

'Are you coming to watch our training tomorrow?' He asked changing the subject.
I nodded to answer his question and he smiled happily and walked off upstairs to have a shower leaving me alone with Dec.

'You slept with Jack didn't you' Dec whispered at me and my eyes flashed at him, I attempted to put a confused look on my face but I couldn't, something about our friendship made it completely impossible to hide anything from these two.

'How did you work that out?'

He pointed at my neck, I quickly opened my camera and looked noticing the hickey placed on my neck just above my collar bone, too high up for my dress from last night to cover. I placed my hand over it, pretending it wasn't there and rolling my eyes as I fell backwards, my head hanging off of the sofa and my legs resting over the top.

'Ah the top staggers back at it again' Dec laughed as he tickled my stomach, I slapped his hands away and groaned again, I'd spent seemingly the last 12 hours groaning.

'Does Mason know too?'

'Of course he does, we know everything miss Halston' he poked my nose and stood up picking me up and carrying me upstairs to the his room. I laid out on the bed whilst he got dressed, my mind was racing with a million thoughts whilst being completely focused on Jack as well.

I didn't want Jack...did I?

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