actual children

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Nova •

'Mason dearest that's just not how you fry bacon' Amber snatched the pad from his hand and he pulled a sad face but happily left her too it coming over to join Dec and I on the sofa.

'See so now if you press this one you...SCORE! See I told you!' Dec cheered and applauded as I got to grips with this whole fifa thing. We had been playing all morning whilst I anxiously waited for Jacks text to one of them.

'I still don't see the obsession' placing the controller down I began to stand but soon stopped when a sharp pain stabbed at my down below, quickly sitting back again and pretending nothing had happened the boys gave me puzzled looks.
I knew they were about to ask me what on earth I was doing so I rapidly began thinking of a plan, deciding it was best to just say I was on my period I was prepped and ready to go.

'What's wrong with y-' Mason stopped when his phone began ringing in his pocket, he pulled it out and showed us the screen, Jack was ringing.
I put on a annoyed face and groaned as he answered, leaving the room.

'You two need to sort out your shit' Amber shouted from the kitchen, I flipped her off and turned my attention back to my Fifa lesson with Dec.
A few moments later Mason came through, telling us Jack was on his way over.

'Just maybe don't kill him?' Mason pretended to suggest, I narrowed my eyes at him as he chuckled wondering back over to Amber in the kitchen.

'Aren't you back to training today?' Turning to Dec I watched as he groaned and nodded.

'Can I join you guys?'

'Course you can you dafty' I chuckled at the name Dec called me as he ruffled my hair and pushed me over on the sofa. I was about to kick him when the door opened and in walked Jack in grey joggers and a white jumper.

Fuck me.

'Remember, no murdering' Dec warned me as he stood up from the sofa and went over to greet Jack.
Remaining in my position on the sofa I got my phone out of my pocket and began scrolling through Instagram, nothing particularly interesting popping up.

'Here you go' Amber smiled and handed me a plate of food, thanking her I sat up and ate whilst the boys had a kick about in the garden.

'You fucked him again didn't you' Amber spoke and I nearly chocked on the food in my mouth. Swallowing the food and regaining my composure I looked back at her, the way she looked at me made it impossible for me to lie to her.

'How the fuck did you-' she cut my off with a giggle.

'Mate you can't walk, what did you expect me to think'

Letting out a groan I made her promise not to tell anyone, thankfully she was going back to London today so she wouldn't be able to tell Mason or Dec both of whom I was stroll trying to work out how to tell.
We walked together to the garden where the boys were.

'Boys, we need to go if your going to make training' they all began to jog into the house, I stepped back to let them pass me by, Jack stopping once the others had gone through to the car.

'Nice walk' he whispered in my ear and pressed a kiss to my neck before walking off.
I gave myself a minute to regain my composure before jumping into the drivers seat and driving us down to the training centre.

'Jesus do you live so close because your lazy or because of Nova's awful driving' Jack commented from the back as I drove around a corner slightly too fast.

'I'm choosing to say nothing because I value my life' Dec joked and I rolled my eyes at him in the rear view mirror, he winked at me and I shook my head, turning my attention back to the road. Yeah maybe I am a bad driver?


Amber had left to head back to London so Annie and I sat watching the boys train. I loved the dynamic between this group, in all the years I'd been coming to watch Mason and Dec train I don't think I've ever seen a group gel together so well.

'Did you sort everything out with Jack?' Annie spoke and once again I found myself preparing what I needed to say.

'Yeah' after all that planning a simple yeah was all I managed to get out. Atleast that wasn't a lie, it just wasn't explaining the whole situation and that's good enough for me.
I turned my attention back to the field where some sort of water fight had broken out, Jack crouched down aiming to water sprinklers at some of the other players as they darted around the field.

'FUCK OFF' I heard Dec scream as a bottle of water was poured over his head, I could help the giggle that came out of my mouth as he ran.

'NOVA! Stop them' he shouted and I got my phone out from my pocket, wondering abit closer but keeping well away from the water I began snapping photos of them as they continued their fight.

'Actual children' Gareth appeared at the side of me, his arms folded across his chest as he watched on a smile on his face.

'Their your children though' I added and he laughed again shaking his head from side to side.

'And don't I know it' he pointed to the grey hairs that were scattered across his head, both of us laughing whilst I continued to snap photos for them.

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Nova-Halston: actual children @garethsouthgate 😂❤️

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Nova-Halston: actual children @garethsouthgate 😂❤️

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