Post panic attack state

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Nova •

The boys were scattered out across the sofas playing Fifa in Mase and Decs house, whilst I got myself sat down in the armchair across from them, luckily everybody new not to take my favourite armchair. Decs dog was curled up in my lap as I cuddled up to him.

'Oh you cow' Jack shouted across at Dec as his team scored putting Jack in a bad mood as per usual.

'Sore loser' Dec giggled earning a punch to the leg from Jack.

I rolled my eyes at the pair of them and turned my attention back to my phone. Scrolling through the various social media apps I had yet again I found nothing interesting to look at, instead snapping random pictures of Jack and posting them to my private Instagram story, predominantly for Amber.

A message popped up on my screen after I posted, seeing it was a message from Amber I smiled pressing on the new notification

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A message popped up on my screen after I posted, seeing it was a message from Amber I smiled pressing on the new notification. The message popped up on my screen and I scrolled through it, typical Amber sending me massive paragraphs for no particular reason. My heart dropped the further through the paragraph I got and I flicked my eyes up to Jack who was gazing over at me with a confused expression across his face.

'You alright baby?' The others scrunched their faces up at the night make her called me.

'I um, sorry' I darted out of the room as the feeling of tears began to threaten me, my heart pounding as my phone buzzed again, another message, this time my mum sending me the same article.

Perching myself on Decs back steps I looked out into the garden, it was still an absolute mess from the party last week. The air was warm, the sun gently setting just above the fields that backed onto the garden and whilst the scene before me was beautiful and to some it was calming to me it was only egging the anxiety on and before I knew it a full blown panic attack had launched itself upon me.
My chest was tightening as the short sharp breaths escaped me, my head suddenly becoming very heavy and falling in between my knees.
I had placed itself on my back and I immediately knew who it was by the motions it traced.

'Remember your five seven breathing poppet' Mason spoke after a few attempts at normal human breathing my chest began to loosen and whilst my eyes had still lost their ability to see, at least I could breathe.
As I was coming around another arm appeared, wrapping itself around my waist and pulling me towards the body it was attached to. I closed my eyes and breathed in the familiar scent of Jacks cologne, the fragrance instantly calming me.

'Shhh, it's okay I'm here now' Jacks accent was soothing as I laid across his chest slowly sliding down onto his lap as he ran his fingers through my hair. Mason stood up patting Jack on the back as he went.

'Thankyou mate' Jack whispered to Mason as he left, soon returning his attention back to me.

'I didn't know you still had these'

I managed to find the strength to lift up my head again, now resting it on Jacks shoulder, intertwining our fingers and bringing our conjoined hands into my lap.

'I didn't usually, I just' instead of finishing my sentence I handed my phone over to Jack, the screen already displaying the message from Amber and the new article that had been released.

'I'll sort it, okay?' Jack peered down at me and I gave him a weak smile, I didn't have the energy to ask what he was going to do, my body was far too tired from the attack.
Slowly, and checking I was okay, Jack stood up offering me his hand which I gladly took, he guided me inside and we found the boys all sat quietly on the couch, their heads snapped up in our direction as we entered the living room.

'We're gonna head off' Jack had to speak for me, my voice had yet again failed me abs the dry feeling in my throat only grew more intense everytime I thought about having to speak. I gave the boys a gentle, small smile, Mason and Dec coming up and embracing me in a warm hug.

'We love you Nova, fuck the lot of them' chuckling lightly I felt myself beginning to relax again and regain a more normal state of being, as opposed to the anxious mess I had become. I melted into their hug, finally finding my voice despite my throat feeling like the Sahara desert.

'I love you guys, I'll see you tomorrow before the flight okay?' They gave me a reassuring node as Jack led me out of the house, holding open his car door and waiting whilst I climbed in.
We sat in silence for a moment, both is us searching for something to say to fill the gap.

'You remember when we-' I snapped my head in Jacks direction as soon as he spoke and rolled my eyes at him.

'I swear your not bringing that up now'

'Oh but I am' his eyes had gone a deeper shade of brown than usual, a smirk tugging at his lips as he leant across the console in between us and pressed his forehead against mine. I giggled slightly as his eyes scanned my face.

'Are you taking advantage of my post panic attack state?' With a raised eyebrow I posed the question to Jack only causing his smirk to grow even more and with one swift movement he was in the back of the car patting his lap, I sighed at him but followed crawling into the back and ontop of him.

'Be a shame not to recreate the memory'

Jacks lips pressed gently to mine moving slowly whilst his arms wrapped around my waist. Smiling into the kiss I cupped his cheeks, my thumbed running gently over his stubble. I began to trace my hands down his chest, hooking them underneath it and running my fingers gently along his abs, smiling to myself as he shuddered under my touch.

'W-we can't do this here' he broke our kiss with stuttered words and I agreed, realising we were in fact still parked on Mason and Decs drive way.

'Come on, I know a place' I grinned and jumped into the drivers seat, snatching his keys from his front pocket and making sure to rub my hand against him as I did.

'Such a tease' he paused and pressed his lips to mine one last time, pulling on my bottom lip with his teeth.

'I like it'

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