we need to spoken

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• Nova •
Trigger warning: rape

The after party was in full swing and currently I was in the air on top of Decs shoulders as he bounced around the dance floor. Unable to stop the continuous stream of laughter that left my mouth I threw my head back as well as my arms, allowing the music to move me.
Dec lowered me down from his shoulders and I bounced over to John and Kyle who held their hands out to me, taking them we swung around, again laughter filling the air around us.

'You look unbelievable' John complimented me with a grin and I blushed, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks I looked down and continued to move around whilst holding their hands.

'It's so bloody warm in here' Kyle complained puffing out a breath and attempting to fan himself with his sweaty hand. I giggled and blew my breath at him watching with a smirk as he screwed his face up at me and poked his tongue out.
With that I headed outside for some fresh air, walking through the crowd of people I managed to get out to the garden. I found a bench and got myself sat down for a minute, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the peace and quiet.

'Here, thought you'd like some water' ever the persistent I thought to myself as Jack appeared to my left with a bottle of water. I took it thankfully and had a sip.

'Thankyou' without an invitation he was now sat down, hand edging closer to my leg with every passing second.
I was desperately trying to workout whether or not I wanted to talk to him or not, wanted to resolve the issue or just forget about it, either way now I'm our drunken states, this wasn't the time.

'We need to spoken' I couldn't help but burst out in a giggle at Jacks words, whenever he was drunk he could never get his words out right and when he did get words out they were rarely the right ones.

'Not now Jack, when we're sober'

'Where is sober? I thought we were in England' I took a side glance in his direction and watched as he looked around, his toddler like state was highly comical and I didn't want to let myself laugh but I couldn't help it.

'We will talk tomorrow' his hand found my lap and stayed there until I placed mine ontop of it ready to remove it, instead Jack quickly flipped his hand over and interlocked his fingers with mine.

'Jack' I sighed, I didn't want to fall into his trap again, not this time I've already let him have far too many chances without ever really earning them and this time was going to be different.

'Nova please you-'

'I don't anything Jack and that's the point, I don't every get a chance to explain anything to you before you fly off the handle and shut me out, sometimes for a few hours sometimes for a few days and I'm sick of it. We say always and forever but I don't know if I want my forever to look like this' before I had a chance to stop myself, everything I'd been thinking for the past couple of hours had jumped from my mouth and slapped Jack across the face, me being powerless to stop the attack.

'We said we, we said we'd do this life thing to-together' the way he stuttered told me he was holding back tears and turning to look at him and his watery eyes only confirmed this for me.

I took in a deep breath and mentally assessed the situation before I said anything. Whatever I said now could potentially pave the way for the rest of our relationship, if there was a relationship worth salvaging. I suppose to the normal eye it doesn't look like a big deal, okay Jack has trust issues and shuts down because of them don't we all? And the answer to that is yes, but every so often you have to try and break through those challenges which seemingly Jack wasn't bothered about doing.

'Maybe we're just meant to do the life thing together' with that said I stood up and headed back inside and located Mason and Dec in the group.

'Are you okay? You look upset?' They had to shout over the music in order for me to hear them over the pounding of the music.

'I think I'm going to go back to the hotel, I'll see you when you get back' Dec handed me his key and gave me a kiss on the cheek, Mason doing the same before I made my exit out onto the cold streets.
I had to look at my map on my phone in order to work out which way the hotel was, and so I continued to walk whilst paying close attention to the directions I was being given.
Unfortunately for me I was paying too much attention to the directions and not enough to my surroundings. A pair of strong rough arms grabbed me from the side and yanked me into a side lane, shoving me violently up against the wall.

'Hello little princess' the mans voice was husky, breath hot and smelling like cigarettes mixed with alcohol. I made an attempt to get out of his grasp but he held me firmly by the forehead pushing me back into the wall.

'What do you want?' My teeth were gritted together as I fought against him, kicking at him and pushing my arms but to no success and instead only resulting in harder restraints on myself.
Frantically I began to look around the alleyway I was being held prisoner in, I noticed two other men stood towards the far end of the lane.

'Hey! Help!' I managed to catch their attention and they began to make their way over to me slowly, I assumed they were just being cautious of the situation unfolding.
Before I knew it the two other men I had asked for help had a hold of me, one ripped my dress straight down the middle with a knife, the other holding my still against the wall, his hand covering my mouth to muffle my shouts.

'I want you to take daddy's dick' the first man who originally grabbed me now had his penis out in his hand, he stood in front of me as I was thrown onto the ground and pinned down by the other two men.

'Please stop I'll do anything' my bargaining attempts were not successful. It was too late for shouting, for squirming or fighting back, my dads actions had been repeated.

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