god damn media

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Nova •
Very explicit language

I watched on with anticipation as Jack played, luckily for me I was shelved by the boys as they stood around me but all eyes were on Annie and Tyla as they stood out of the hidden area with Gareth and the coaches. Deep down I knew that Jack would want me to be stood with them, out where everybody could see me but I just couldn't get my feet to head in that direction.

'Yo what the fuck!' I was snapped from my thoughts as Tyrone leapt up from his seat heading onto the pitch.
Confused as ever I too stood up, looking around in the hope that someone would see my confusion and explain to me what on earth was happening.
I glanced back at the pitch and immediately knew what was wrong as a very angry looking Jack stormed over to the stand grabbing his water bottle and gulping the fluid down. Gareth and the coaches attempted to calm him but to no success as he shoved them off of him and made his way over to me.

'Stupid cunt' he huffed sitting down on the grass, I crouched down to his level, placing my hands on his knees as he panted, sweat dripping from his forehead.
I dabbed his sweat covered head with a towel and adjusted the headband in his hair, gently running my fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him.

'What happened?'

'Him' pointing across the pitch I located the player Jack had an issue with, he was currently talking to the referee who occasionally glanced in our direction.

'He tried to pull me down by my neck the dickhead' slowly I pulled at the hem of Jacks shirt around his neck revealing the markings the player had made. Obvious lines were around his neck from where the shirt had been pulled and I ran my fingers across the marks causing Jack to flinch.
The ref made his way over to Jack explaining the situation and asking Jack to come back to the game, he did so with clear determination as he walked across the pitch it was evident what his goal was now and that was to cause absolute havoc for Poland. The confidence in Jack mist has somehow entered me because I was suddenly aware of the crowd getting louder as I stepped out of the stand and joined Annie and Tyla, the pair of them wrapping their arms around me.

'Welcome to the crew, again' I rolled my eyes at the pair and watched as the rest of the match played out, the boys coming away with a draw much to their disgust.
Once they had come away from the match and we made it back to the hotel I'd decided to give Jack and massage in one final bid to relax him before we went out.

'Ouch you dick that hurts' he winced as I rolled my thumb into one of the knots in his shoulder.

'You wanna be in pain?' I question and he flipped over, I was now placed on his torso, hands placed on his chest.

'I'll show you pain' a smirk flashed across his face as he pinched at my sides tickling me, I jumped from his lap onto the bed attempting to roll away from him but failing miserably. He had ahold of me as I lost my breath as a result of the tickling.

'I can't breath' he finally gave in and I was able to catch my breath.
There was a knock at the door, both of us shouting come in, and in walked Mason and Dec.

'Guys!' I leapt into their arms and they hugged me, not as tightly as usual and not for as long. I pulled away and offered them a puzzled look. They looked at each other before sighing and sitting down on the bed.

'What's wrong?' Jack shuffled up to us on the bed, taking my hand in his and resting them in my lap.

'So, ever since the media found out about you two they've been on a mission to dig up anything and everything they can and...' instead of explaining Mason trailed off, handing us his phone instead.
We both looked at the screen, a massive picture of me plastered across it as well as three smaller images.

'Fuck sake' I kept my words muttered, hoping that Jack would just let it slide and move on

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'Fuck sake' I kept my words muttered, hoping that Jack would just let it slide and move on.
I was wrong.
Our hands were quickly detached, Mason and Dec making their exit after causing shit and not wanting to clean it up as per usual.

'Jack can we just talk like adults please?' His face was blank as he starred forwards, eyes locked on the plane white duvet and breathing loud.

'Get out' there was no denying the way this looked, but given a chance to actually explain what happened, everybody including the god damn media would know it was absolutely nothing.

'Jack' I attempted to reason with him but the walls were up, ears closed and mine shut down to any sort of conversation.

'Just get out'

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