Stop, your safe baby

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Nova •

The music was pounding throughout the club as we all danced together, having decided to leave the house party and head to town.
Jack placed his hands on my hips, guiding my movements along with his, our bodies pressed up together. With every sway of my hips I could feel Jacks excitement growing, fueling my alcohol filled confidence.
He pressed a warm kiss to my cheek, trailing his lips down my jawline whilst spinning me around to face him. Our foreheads were pressed together, Jacks hands still guiding my hips from side to side, eyes scanning my body as I moved.

'You have no idea what your body does to me' his words sent me over the edge and I couldn't help but press my lips to his.
People were definitely looking at us, the kiss growing heated, hands roaming over each other but neither of us caring enough to stop.
We pulled away from each other for a minute, I could practically feel the eyes of everyone that had seen us as I caught my breath and starred into Jacks chocolate brown eyes.

'Car?' The way he posed the suggestion to me only encouraging the devil on my shoulder. Jack took ahold of my hand as I nodded, leading me out of the club, we passed by Mason and Dec, both of whom had devilishly cheeky smiles on their face.

'Use a fucking condom' Dec shouted over the music and I blushed, hitting him on the chest and continuing to follow Jack out of the club. There was a million and one camera men gathered outside the club all shouting and snapping pictures of us as we walked out of the club and in the direction of Jacks car. He unlocked it and I climbed in, watching as he drove out of the parking space and away from the paparazzi.

'Where are we going?' I held onto his hand that was placed on my leg, occasionally lifting off of my leg to the gear stick but always taking my hand with it.

'I know a place' the smirk was plastered across his face as he pulled into a small car park, his car being the only car there at this time. There wasn't any street lights around, making the stars the only source of light visible to us. Jack hoped out of the car, reappearing in the back and patting his lap, asking me to join him. I climbed through the seats into the back of the car, sitting next to him and resting my head on his shoulder, looking up at the clear roof of his car which allowed us to watch the stars.

Jacks warm and soft lips made contact with mine again, each movement leading to another until I was straddling his lip, my hands tracing patterns under his shirt. Pulling on the end of his jumper he pulled it off, along with his white shirt revealing his abs that I loved so much. I began to trail my lips from his down his neck, making sure to leave my mark on him as I travelled down his body to the hem of his jeans. I undid the zip, Jack lifted his hips up and allowed me to tug his trousers down, along with his boxers, revealing his excitement.
I smirked up at him as I kicked him before taking all of his member in my mouth, smiling to myself as a sharp gasp escaped his mouth.

'Shit baby' his large hands traveled to the top of my head, moving me up and down on him, encouraging his moans more and more. I swirled my tongue around him as a moved, pleading him even more until I felt him twitching in my mouth, releasing down my throat with a groan.
I looked back up at him, there was no sign of exhaustion on his face as he lunged himself at me, laying me flat against the seats and lifting my dress up and over my body to reveal my black matching lingerie I'd chosen for him. As his eyes scanned my body I felt a pang of anxiety slap my face, realisation that I was just as vulnerable now as I was three months ago when I was attacked, my body was completely at Jacks disposal and for some reason that terrified me.

'Stop, your safe baby' his words sent the anxiety running, my body relaxing into his touch as he is fingers ran down to my core and inserted, jolting me up right as he did so.

'Fuck' I could feel him grinning against my neck as he moved his fingers in and out of me, earning breathless moans from me as he went. He bit, twisted and sucked at the skin on my neck, further encouraging my euphoric state.

'Jack I'm gonna c-' his touch was withdrawn, I lowered my eyebrows at him and he grinned down at me.
Watching on as he rolled the condom on innit my lip as he slammed into me, another loud gasp escaping both of us at the feeling.
He propped himself up on his hands as he hovered above me, moving his hips forewords and backwards whilst I bucked my hips up at him.

'Come here' his words were breathless, muffled and desperate as he pulled me up ontop of him. Once I had my balance I began to bounce up and down on him, tangling my hands up in his hair as his head laid back on the seat, eyes closed and mouth partially open.

'Fucking hell you feel so good' I moved faster, encouraged by his words and groans that he made with each movement of my body. I felt him twitch again but he shoved my off, instead of allowing his high he span me around so my back was to him, bent over the middle of the front two seats.
I barely had time to think about what was going on before he was inside of me again, this time his thrusts were fast and desperate, as though his life depended on it.

'I-Jack p-please' he pulled on my hair forcing me to arch my back, allowing him to go deeper and me to feel every single movement.
My walls began to tighten, there was no way I could fight this one off as a tingling feeling covered my skin, stars clouding my vision as the high took hold.
Jacks movements slowed as his movements slowed, his groans filling my ears as I regained a conscious state and flopped back onto Jacks chest, his arms coming around me in a protective manor.

'I don't think I've ever had so much sex in one go' his chest vibrated as he chuckled to himself, a smile forming on my face at the sound of his laughter.

'And I don't think I'll walk straight for a week' the way his hands traced patterns on my back was almost sending me to sleep and I fought hard to keep my eyes open as we lay in the back of the car, cuddled up and safe in each other's embrace.

'Well, that was the idea'


The day after the night before was always painful, Jack, Mason, Dec, Kyle, John, Phil and I were all laying around on the couch feeling sorry for ourselves as the hours ticked by, nothing particularly interesting happen as each one passed us. I had my head in Jacks lap, legs on Masons lap as he gently rubbed my legs and feet that were crying after spending hours in heals last night.
I gazed over at the TV, not paying particular interest in the film that Dec had insisted we all watched but just enough attention for him to believe I was utterly fascinated by it.

'Jack these paps pictures are not the one' we all aimed our attention in Johns direction, his phone in his hand as he giggled and scrolled. I quirked my eyebrow in his direction and he handed me his phone for me to see for myself what was so hilarious.
The huff that left Jacks mouth as he too read the caption lifted my head from his lap with such force I could practically feel his irritation in the air he breathed.

'Don't worry about it baby, these things happen' he relaxed slightly, pressing a kiss to my lips and tucking a stray piece of hair back behind my ear as I smiled at him

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'Don't worry about it baby, these things happen' he relaxed slightly, pressing a kiss to my lips and tucking a stray piece of hair back behind my ear as I smiled at him.

'Plus, I'm not your girlfriend anyway so' he rolled his eyes and shoved me backwards causing me to land back in his lap with a giggle.
I interlocked our fingers and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, earning a gentle smile from him as we all turned our attention back to the film that neither Dec nor Mason had managed to tare their eyes away from since it started.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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