Your a fool

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Nova •

The plane had landed in Poland and we were all headed to the hotel, having slept on the plane I was wide awake along with the two Harry's and Kalvin so we had decided to sit together in one of the booths.

'Have you actually not talked to him?' I shook my head to answer Harry's question, watching on as he slapping Kalvin with his captains armband.

'Bro why do you always have that?'

'Uh I earned it shit head' a small chuckle escaped my lips as the two of them joked around together, Maguire motioned his head towards the back of the bus and I followed him. We sat on the sofas in the other room, he handed me a remote and I puffed out a dramatic sigh, I'd never been much good at this, as demonstrated by Decs need to teach me constantly.

'I'm so ridiculously shite at this' I complained as the game started and I frantically tried to make sense of what I was doing, failing miserably.

'Just try like this' after watching Harry's technique I gave it ago and much to my surprise I actually started to get better at it. Just as I was getting into my stride the doors opened and in walked Jack, I took a small glance in his direction before returning my attention back to the game, ignoring his presence in the room.

'Nova, can I talk to you please?' You could practically hear the anxiety in his voice it sent me into a frenzy but I wasn't about to let him know that.

'In a minute' he huffed and sat down next to me, tracing patterns on my back as he waited for me.
I did my absolute best not to let my body respond to his touch but the goosebumps had appeared before I had a chance to think. Harry and I finished our game and he swiftly made his exit, leaving me in the awkward silence Jack had created since he came in.

'What did you want to talk about?' We we're sat opposite each other now, I fiddled with the pieces of dry skin on my thumbs whilst Jack just sat almost completely still gazing across at me.

'I'm sorry I snapped earlier, I was just irritated' irritated, he was irritated and I got that? When I'm irritated I throw my duvet on and consume an entire tub of ice cream, not treat the person I supposedly love like shit.


'Nova please I'm sorry, I couldn't work out why you weren't here but I-' he paused and I looked back in his direction with a confused look on my face.

'You what?'

'I understand now, Mason told me' he seemed to shrink down, almost becoming like a child scared to tell his parent he'd done something wrong.
So now he knew, I always knew it would be one of the boys that told him, I didn't have the strength, I just didn't think it would be now.

'oh' now it was me that wanted to shrink, infact I wanted the ground to swallow me up. Jack shuffler across the seats and rested his hand on my leg. I could feel his eye piercing into me and it took everything I had not to gaze back at him.

'No one is ever going to hurt you like that, not now, not now I'm here' just like that I was a mess, crying into Jacks chest as he ran his fingers through my hair gently soothing me until I regained some composure.

'You know, you'd be surprised at the support you'd get if we went public' he had got to be kidding right? Support? Last time all I got was freaking death threats, and he was the one that cheated on me.

'Public with what Jack, we're a mess' I sniffled, wiping my nose with my arm and earning a rather disgusted look from Jack in the process causing me to chuckle and snort at the same time.

'Your a fool' Jack chuckled as I snorted and laughed, unable to compose myself due to the continuous cycle of snorts that were escaping me.

'I love you Nova and I want to prove it to you, properly this time, no publicity stunts, no other girls no nothing just you and me, against it all' pausing, Jack took my hands in his and pressed a gentle kiss to them before he began to speak again.

'Will you be my girlfriend Nova Halston...again?'  Butterflies pinched at my stomach as they flew around my body, goosebumps ones again covering my skin as Jack smiled at me, his dimples only melting me more.

'No more games?'


'Communicate with me properly?'

'Of course'

'You promise?'


My face fell again, was this just some wind up and some of his friends were about to come in laughing just like the last time. But unlike last time, Jacks hands were still encasing mine as he looked back at me with a small smile tugging at his lips.

'I'll try my absolute best for you baby'

'Okay then' finally I agreed, finding myself wrapped in Jacks arms once again, his lips pressed to my cheek then my neck and finally my lips as he pulled me down ontop of him.
We separated our lips and I gazed down at him from my position on top, a gentle smile rested on his face, laying my head on his chest and falling asleep there.
Other than Dec and Mason, Jack was the only male I trusted to be with me when I slept and somehow being vulnerable with him felt peaceful, calm and beautiful.

I didn't realise until now, how much I needed this boy.

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