Fuck this

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Nova •
Smut warning

'Well that was fucking dreadful' Mason, Dec and Amber had cornered me as soon as I came back in from my conversation with Jack.

'What happened? Did he do something?' I pondered for a moment trying to work out what to say.

'No he um, just wasn't what I had expected but we move' I shrugged and went to sit down again, Jack was over in the corner talking to Tyrone and Harry whilst the others gathered around me.

'Your okay though yeah? I can drive you home?' Looking Mason up and down I assessed his drunken state and chuckled whilst rolling my eyes.

'You can't even walk to the toilet let alone drive me home' Mason huffed and reached across the table for the glass of wine he had.

'Nope I don't want vomit on the new carpet' Dec snatched the glass from Mason who now had a very grumpy expression on his face as he slouched down in his seat with his arms folded across his chest.

'Sorry mum' he mumbled and Dec gave him a stern look as we all laughed.

We spent most of the night like this, Mason being grumpy that we wouldn't let him drink anymore and Dec acting like a middle aged single mum who hadn't left the house for three years. Eventually the party died down and people began to head off.

'Coming back to ours?' Dec asked as we hurled Mason into the back of his car, he landed on the seat with a huff and immediately fell asleep.
I looked around the emptying car park.

'I'm gonna hang back for abit, I need to find Amber, I'll come over in the morning?' Dec gave me a puzzled look but didn't ask any more questions and climbed into Masons car.

'Don't fuck anyone' he advised and I rolled my eyes at him smacking his arm and walking away.

I found Amber talking to Harry back in the room and headed in their direction but was stopped midway by arms around my waist picking me up and dragging me backwards.

'What part of no one can fucking know do you find hard Grealish?' I warned quietly as he dragged me back into a side corridor, pinning me up against the wall with his arms.

'Ooooh I like it when your angry' a smirk tugged at his lips and I couldn't help but melt into him, wrapping my small arms around his shoulders and bringing him into me.
His soft lips moulded against mine gently as he kissed me back his hands resting on my hips.

'We should go before someone comes' I agreed and told Jack to wait a few minutes before he came out.
Heading back into the hall, this time successfully making it all the way over to Amber and Harry.

'Hey! Where have you been?' Amber questioned, I was really hoping she couldn't tell how flustered I was and did my best to shrug her question off.

'I'm going to head off, I'll see you in the morning?' Amber nodded and turned back to Harry.

There was already a taxi outside waiting for us to I jumped in and told the driver just to wait for five minutes. After a few awkward questions and small talk I saw Jack making his way out, he too got into the car and we begin the drive back to his house. Jack had his hand on the inside of my thigh for the entire journey, tracing circles on the skin making my stomach do a flip.

We pulled up outside and paid the driver, Jack lead me up to the front door opening it and allowing me to walk in first. The house had a familiar smell, a comforting one.

'Bed or food?' Jack spoke from behind me and I span around to face him, he was leaning up against the wall.
Instead of answering his question I wondered upstairs and into Jacks room, it was still a mess, always was.
Sitting on the edge of Jacks bed I removed my heals and chucked them onto the floor, Jack suddenly appeared in the doorway a big smile on his face and his eyes shining down at me.

'I can't believe your in my room again' he sighed sitting down on the bed next to me, his arm came around my shoulder and pulled me into him. The smell of his cologne along the hem of his shirt was intoxicating to me, it sent me back to four years ago when I bought him a David Beckham cologne and he fell in love with it, spraying it at any given opportunity.

'You know I still find you infuriating right?' I asked, looking up at him.

'Mmm that's why we're back here' he bumped against me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head before shoving me backwards.
I fell onto the bed with a laugh as he pushed me, a pillow landing on my face, the sound of Jacks laughter filling the room.
I grabbed a pillow of my own from behind me, launching it at Jack, a loud huff erupted from his mouth as the pillow made contact with his face.

'I swear to god I'll never fuck you again if you don't stop' jack shouted after I repeatedly hit him in the face with my pillow.
I stopped my motions and put the pillow down, crawling under the sheets we snuggled up.

'You want to go get breakfast tomorrow?' Jack hummed from behind me, his arms snaking around my waist and tugging me closer to him.

'I have to go back to Dec and Masons, Ambers there' I definitely did want to go for breakfast but that wasn't exactly going to keep us low-key.

'Take me with you' I could practically hear the smirk in Jacks voice as he spoke and I rolled my eyes with a chuckle in response.

'Nah if I call them they'll tell me to come over so'

Turning around I faced Jack as he spoke me through he deviant little plan to get himself invited to their house in the morning. There wasn't an awful amount of point in me fighting against him so I gave in.
I leant up to him and pressed my lips against his, his hands went down to my bum and pulled me ontop of him.
As I straddled his lap I could feel the excitement growing in his pants as I kissed down his neck and chest, pulling the covers over my head as I traveled down to the hem of his boxers poking my finger underneath it and teasing him.

'N-nova' he moaned and butterflies erupted in my stomach as the sound of his words.
Tugging on his boxers I managed to get them down his long legs and began to lick and suck on his member, his hips bucking a few times to meet my rhythm.
His hands balled fists in my head, forcing me up and down on him.

'Shit baby' he groaned and I smiled to myself continuing my motions on him.
I stopped as he was nearing the edge and sat up pushing myself down onto him, watching as he mouth fell open and head tilted back into the pillows his hands coming to rest on my hips. I began to rock my hips back and forth, his hands encouraging my motions to become quicker.

'Fuck this' I clearly wasn't going quite fast enough for Jacks liking and before I knew it I was on my stomach whilst Jack thrusted into me from behind. I gasped at the feeling and threw my head back, he grabbed onto my hair pulling me back as he moved.

'J-Jack i-' being unable to finish my words I felt myself tightening around him as I came undone, stars filled my vision whilst I collapsed down onto the bed, Jack joining me soon after.

Jack pulled me into his chest and it was there that I fell asleep to the sound of his gentle breathing and heart beat underneath my ear.

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