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Jordan sank down in his seat to try and hide from all of the staring eyes. "Who would want to be his friend?" Someone called out. Jordan flinched and shook his head.

Will glared at the entire class. "You're all so mean to him!" He yelled, "What has he ever done to you!" Jordan let the tears fall.

"Will. Stop." He pleaded with watery eyes. "Just stop I'm okay." Jordan got up from his seat and ran into the hallway.

Names were called after him but he didn't care. He stopped and punched a locker causing his knuckles to split open. He wiped the red liquid on his white shirt and continued sobbing. He slid down the wall and covered his face with his bloody hands.

"Jordan?" A familiar British accent asked. "I know you're not okay. You can talk to me." Jordan laughed through his tears.

"That's just the thing, Will. I can't. I don't know who you are and if you're just going to end up hurting me in the end. My life is so," he paused and chuckled, "so very fucked up. It's not just here that I'm told to kill myself. At home it's just worse." Will bit his lip.

"Jordan," Will began,"I know we've just met. But I need you to trust me. No matter what you think, you can trust me. I'm not like those guys." Will sat down next to Jordan. Subconsciously Jordan buried his head into Will's neck and cried.

Will rubbed circles into his back. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I'm such an ass." Jordan mumbled through tears. He hiccuped and squeezed his eyes shut.

By now Jordan was shaking, Will tried soothing the broken boy. He began tearing up at the sight of a boy who seemed so strong, broken.

Whatever else that was happening Will was determined to stop. They'd just met but he didn't care. No one deserves this. Especially at 17. The boys sat there for what felt like years. Neither of them moved until a teacher walked by asking them for their pass.

"We don't have one, sir." Will said, "He ran out of class and-" the man cut him off.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. Come on, you're going to the office." They stayed put. "Let's go!" He bellowed. Jordan lifted his head,

"Go ahead and suspend me. Anywhere is better than this hell hole." He sneered. Will looked over Jordan's face. His eyes were red and puffy, and his hair was all over. Small streaks of blood lined his cheek bones from his hands.

"That goes for me as well." Will added, ripping his eyes from Jordan's features. The man glared and started writing their suspension slips. He handed them their slips and walked away. "Jordan. You're coming home with me." Will said. Jordan shook his head,

"No. It'll be worse if I don't go home." Jordan whispered and stood up. Still on the floor Will scrunched up his face.

"At least stay with me until school gets over with." He begged as he stood. Jordan sighed.

"Okay, Will." Will smiled and began to think about how he was going to help Jordan. He wasn't sure if he should just come out and ask him what happens at home. He combed his hand through his hair, whatever was happening to him he was going to stop it. He had to.

I Remember When I Lost My Mind (Kiani)Where stories live. Discover now