Twenty Seven

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The pair waited, rather impatiently on Jordan's end, for the doctor. They sat in the waiting room staring at walls, other patients and each other.

Will spotted the doctor coming down the corridor, his white coat flowing behind him. But at the exact same time he spotted the doctor, Jordan saw his mother walk in through the front doors.

"Doc!" Will exclaimed.

"Mom?" Jordan asked and quickly got to his feet. Jordan's mother, although in heels, picked up pace and ran to her son. She attempted to hug Jordan but he just pushed her away.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in disgust. This is when Will finally realised she was here. He protectively out an arm around Jordan's waist.

"I'm here to get you. Your father is looking for you." She grabbed Jordan's arm and ripped him from Will's grasp, causing him to gasp in pain from his still very new wounds.

"No." Jordan said quickly, "I'm not going with you."

His mother pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow, "Jordan Michael Troyer. You are coming with me whether you like it or not. We're your family. Not them. Let's go." Jordan didn't move.

"NOW!" She yelled. Jordan turned around and pulled Will down to his height, putting their foreheads together.

"Don't break apart on me." He whispered and Will nodded, tears in his eyes.

"I love you, Jor." Will mumbled against Jordan's lips.

"You too, William." He said and reluctantly followed as his mother dragged him down the hall by his sore wrists.

"Hey guess what." Jordan mumbled to his mom.

"What?" She asked happily.

"I hate you." He said with a grin.

Her face dropped, "Watch your mouth, young man. And drop that tone with your father."

"Shit. Forgot about him." He grumbled and scratched the back of his head. He knew nothing good was going to come out of this.

They got in the car and drove home in silence. Jordan rested his head against the window and watched the trees fly by.

Soon enough they were at their destination. "We're here!" His mom yelled.

"Yay." Jordan said with a dry laugh. Jordan opened the front door and before he even got both feet in the house his face was in the carpet.

"Okay, ow." He mumbled.

"Look who's finally home!" His father bellowed. Jordan rolled his eyes and rolled onto his back, "Hey dad, missed you." He said sarcastically.

His father stomped a foot down on Jordan's chest and got close to his face. "Watch your damn tone, son." He growled.

"Oh yeah, forgot. The whole abuse thing is still in play." Jordan spat back, probably a bad idea but he didn't care.

Suddenly Jordan was hoisted into the air and thrown against the wall. "THIS OUGHT TO TEACH YOU SOME FUCKING RESPECT." His father bellowed, sending another kick straight into Jordan's abdomen.

When the beating was finally over Jordan climbed the stairs and stumbled into his bathroom that was connected to his room.

He pulled out his phone and sent Will a text to climb up to his room immediately. Will sent an 'okay' so Jordan opened his window.

In the mean time, he had a few things to set up.

By the time Will got there, Jordan had locked himself in the bathroom. "Oh no." Will mumbled and started banging on the door.

Jordan was standing on the edge of his bathtub, rope around his neck when he heard the banging.

"You're just in time for the grand finale!" Jordan called with a thick laugh. He had already cut himself more times than he thought possible.

"You know," he yelled, "there are over twenty five quadrillion grains of sand on the earth. When I die, cremate me and make me apart of that number."

"Jordan I-" Will started but he was cut off.

"Also," Jordan said, tightening the rope, "Hippo milk is pink. Isn't that cool?" He asked and got ready to jump.

"Goodbye, Will." He said finally.

Will's eyes snapped open, "NO! JORDAN!" Will screamed and pounded on the door.

Jordan sighed and stepped off the edge of the bathtub, "Don't break apart on me." He whispered

"JORDAN! I NEED YOU! I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!" Will screamed, tears streaming down his face.

"Will, I love you." Jordan mumbled back, barley audible. There was a loud bang as Will trusted himself against the door.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" Will screamed again, tears pouring out of his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Jordan whispered and closed his eyes.

At that moment, through all the banging and screaming, his pulse slowed.

Jordan's world slowly faded to black.

Will's was no longer existent.

I Remember When I Lost My Mind (Kiani)Where stories live. Discover now