Twenty Three

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Jordan went slack jawed. "What?" He asked. Will laughed.

"Yeah, like, I had other relationships." He spun around in his chair, "but I never loved any of them. And they were mostly girls."

Will shuddered, "I was still in the closet." Jordan laughed but suddenly came to a realisation.

"Will," he gulped. Will's eyes got larger than usual.

"Yeah, Jordan?" He asked slowly, bringing a Snapple to his lips.

Jordan stared at Will, still laying on his back and hanging half way off the bed, "I'm still in the closet."

Will almost dropped his drink on to the perfectly white carpet. Instead he just spat out what he had in his mouth. "What?" He gasped.

Jordan nodded slowly, "I haven't officially come out yet, Will." Sam was still fast asleep on Jordan's chest, oblivious to everything that was going on.

Even though he was just a cat, it's almost as if Sam can understand Jordan on an emotional level.

"So do I just tell everyone or?" Jordan asked. He was clearly inside on how to come about this situation and Will picked up on that immediately.

"I suppose you could," he said with lust and thought twirling in his eyes. "Or you could slowly drop the bomb on everyone."

Jordan stared at Will, "You're so beautiful." Will's eyes roared to life as his smile grew.

"Your free will is magnificent." Will replied to the fire in Jordan's eyes, "You're so wayward, and I love it."

Will quickly jumped up, "Get dressed. We're going on a date." He stated. Jordan raised an eyebrow,

"But Sam is still sleepi-" He started to say before Will woke him up.

"No he's not!" He yelled and ran into his walk in closet, "All my dress clothes are back here! Choose something okay!" He exclaimed as Jordan slowly got up.

"Where are we going?" He asked and received no reply, "Will?" He tried again.


Jordan groaned in frustration and walked into the abyss of button down shirts and ties.

Much to his pleasure, Jordan found a bow tie and shirt that matched perfectly. He sadly assumed that a SnapBack was not appropriate for the occasion.

On the plus side, Vans most definitely were. Seeing as though Will seemed to own nothing else, with the exception of a pair of Nike shoes that looked similar.

Jordan made his way into the bathroom to do his hair as Will scrambled around the house looking for god knows what.

After a solid twenty minutes of teasing his hair Jordan was semi pleased with the results.

"Yes! I look like I've only been homeless for a week and not a year!" E exclaimed as he looked at himself in Will's body mirror.

When Jordan was ready he walked downstairs to find Will standing by the door in a white dress shirt with the top button open.

He had to admit, Will's white shirt complemented the black one he discovered in the closet moments earlier.

"Ready?" Will asked with a smirk as he looked Jordan up and down.

Jordan laughed, "Absolutely." Will opened the front door and led him to the car.

When he began driving Will began explaining. "I'm not doing this because I feel like I have to. I'm doing this because I want to. You deserve to be treated like the prince you are."

Jordan listened intently to Will's speech with You Found Me playing quietly in the background. "I know you don't see it, but Jordan you're truly a prince. With your care free attitude and good vibes."

Jordan smiled warmly at him knowing he wasn't done. "From your looks to your sense of humour, even to the small I securities you have, you're the light of my life."

"And I'd just like to say, no matter how hard to control you are, no matter how horrible you think you are." Jordan wiped a tear from Will's eye.

"You'll always be a prince to me."

I Remember When I Lost My Mind (Kiani)Where stories live. Discover now