Twenty Four

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Jordan stared at Will with his jaw hanging open. "Will," he breathed, "I don't know what to say." He mumbled.

Will chuckled softly, "You don't have to say anything." Jordan smirked in his direction before drifting his eyes out the window.

He sat and watched as all the trees zoomed by like green blurs. "So where are we going?" He asked absent mindedly.

Will shook his head, adjusting his hands from ten and two, to about nine and three thirty.

"It's a surprise." He said with his eyes fixed on the road. Jordan groaned, "Oh my god. You're so mean!" He whined.

"Oh my god. You whine too much!" Will mocked. Jordan threw him a playful glare before laughing hysterically.

"We are relationship goals." Jordan concluded through wheezing as he caught his breath.

Will only chuckled, as to keep the car steady and nodded in a agreement. "We're almost there, babe." Will said when he turned down yet another road.

Jordan's heart swelled at the sound of Will's accent calling him babe. For once in his life he felt truly loved.

"I kind of want another cat." Jordan said out loud to nobody. He pulled out his phone to see if there were any shelters nearby.

There were three shelters in the area. "Will? Can I get one, please?" He begged with puppy dog eyes.

Will chuckled and rolled his eyes, "You have Sam." He said and sounded like a parent.

Jordan crossed his arms over his chest and poured, "Sam could use a friend!" He tried, "animals live longer in groups."

Will said nothing but kept a smirk on his face. "Oh come on, Will! I'll feed him! Clean his litter box! I'll take care of him, please?" Jordan begged, his inner child coming out.

Will laughed as he pulled into a long driveway. He still remained silent as the boys drove down the driveway. Jordan was pouting in the passenger seat as Will tried to hold in his laughter.

Will parked the car in the parking lot of a large building, "What are we doing?" Jordan asked.

"You'll see." Will said as he jumped out of the Impala. Jordan groaned but got out. He turned to face the building.

"Happy Trails Animal Shelter" was on a big sign on top of the building. Jordan's mouth dropped. "NO WAY!" He yelled and attacked Will with hugs.

He grabbed the sides of Will's face and pulled Will's lips onto his own. When they pulled back Will laughed, "Yes way. Now let's go get you a cat." Jordan took off in a sprint to the door.

Will booked it after him just to keep up. He didn't realise the little guy was so fast. They got in the shelter and went straight for the cats.

Jordan pressed his face against the glass and watched them play and run around.

Will came and stood next to him as his eyes were fixed on an orange and white one playing with an all black cat with one white paw.

"I want that one." He said with his face still pressed against the glass. Will chuckled and went to find an employee.

He came back and told the lady which one they wanted and she went to retrieve him.

She brought him out and led them to the front desk to do some paperwork. "Your names?" She asked.

"Will King and Jordan Bayani." Will replied. She wrote that down along with their phone numbers, address and emails.

"Okay, one last thing. What's the little guys name?" She asked with a smile.

Jordan didn't hesitate, "Patrick." The lady nodded and wrote it down on the adoption certificate.

When everything was filled out, Will, Jordan and Patrick were headed to the beach.

[A/N: I'm sorry it's so short! I've just gotten back from a school trip and I feel like a zombie. Next part will be longer🍍]

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