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Jordan's body hit the ground with a thud. He groaned in pain but knew he had to keep moving.

He slowly got up and began making his way to Will's. When he reached his house he knocked on the door.

"Go away!" A muffled British voiced called out from within. Jordan chucked to himself.

"Okay, I'll just go then!" He laughed. As he turned around he heard the door fly open.

"JORDAN!" Will screamed and charged at him. Jordan gripped his torso as Will made impact.

The pain was horrible but he didn't care, he was back with the only people to make him happy since his grandma.

Suddenly, Jordan was lifted off the ground and carried into the threshold. He sat them down on the couch and Sam instantly jumped up onto his lap.

"Hey buddy." Jordan cooed as Sam meowed happily.

Will buried his face into Jordan's neck. "We missed you so much. I missed you so so much." He mumbled through a small amount of tears.

"Will, I was only gone for a few hours." He replied also with tears in his eyes.

Will chuckled, "I know, but it felt like a lifetime." Will chewed his lip, "Jordan?"

Jordan closed his eyes, "Yeah, Will?" He asked quietly. Will snuggled deeper into his neck.

"I," he sighed, "I think i love you." He took a deep breath, "No. I know I do. I love you Jordan."

Jordan remained silent and that drove Will insane. Every second Jordan didn't say a word, Will wished he hadn't said anything.

Just as Will was about to say 'Ah! April Fools!' Or something idiotic like that, Jordan whispered "I love you too, Will."

Will was so happy that he grabbed Jordan's face and pressed his lips against Jordan's. He kissed back immediately.

Jordan smirked into the kiss and set Sam on the floor. Will kept going as Jordan turned to face him. Will pulled away.

"Oh yeah, I definitely love you." Will chuckled. Jordan laughed and got up.

"Do you have apple juice?" He questioned with a hand on his hip. Will doubled over laughing.

"I just told you I loved you after you just got back from the cops and all you're concerned about is if we have apple juice?"

Jordan thought for a moment, "Yes." Will laughed again.

"In the fridge!" He called and Jordan went to retrieve his drink. As he sipped it he calmly told Will the news.

"Will. I'm pregnant." Jordan said with a straight face. Will's eyes widened,

"What?" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

Jordan laughed, "Nah. But I do have a couple broken ribs and a lot of open wounds on my stomach." He said seriously.

Will's mouth dropped open. "I'll get my mum, she's a nurse." Jordan nodded as Will got up off the couch.

"MUM!" He called up the stairs.

"YES WILL?" Amy called back.

"JORDAN'S HURT CAN YOU PLEASE LOOK AT HIM?" He yelled quickly. There was a quiet 'yes' in return before the patter of feet hitting the stairs was heard.

Amy came into the living room, "I'm going to do a full body exam, okay?" she asked. Jordan nodded and unzipped the hoodie.

Once the hoodie and his shirt were lying on the floor, Amy gestured towards his jeans.

"Sorry." She said gently as he undid his jeans.

"It's okay." He replied and kicked them off. She asked him to stand and began checking over his wounds.

Amy pushed on his rib cage from both sides and Jordan cried out in pain. She noted that and continued the exam.

Eyeing his stomach wounds she cringed. When she bent down to inspect his legs for anything she was relieved to find nothing.

She stood back up, "We need to get you to a hospital. You have at least two broken ribs and your stomach is horrid."

Jordan cursed under his breath as he redressed. "Great." He grumbled. He hated hospitals. He hated them more than he hated anything else.

He sighed, when he got back he needed to ask Will if he could record. Jordan slipped his shirt back over his head and placed his SnapBack on top of his hair.

"Here goes nothing." He muttered sarcastically as they walked to the car. Hopefully nothing else was wrong and Amy could get the paper work quickly.

Most of all he hoped everything would be okay again.

I Remember When I Lost My Mind (Kiani)Where stories live. Discover now