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"You sound like my grandpa at bingo night." Will commented after yet another one of Jordan's rants.

Jordan raised an eyebrow, "This one time he thought O 34, the one he needed for bingo, was called but it was actually O 24. He got so mad and didn't believe anyone and he thought they were trying to cheat him out of twenty dollars." Will continued.

Jordan laughed, "Thanks, in glad to know that you think I'm a cranky old man at bingo." Will hit Jordan's shoulder.

"That's not what I meant you ass." He chuckled as they walked towards the car.

"You oss." Jordan mocked, "That's so funny! Oss. Ha! Oss!" Jordan began crying from his fit of laughter.

Will scowled at him, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't mock my accent you dick." Jordan wiped his eyes.

Jordan looked up at Will, "I'm sorry man." He smiled, but Will didn't smile back.

"Aw come on, Will!" He whined and draped himself over Will dramatically.

Will cracked a smile and began laughing as Jordan almost fell into a puddle. "We should get going before my mum worries." He sighed.

Jordan agreed and hopped to keep up. Will's longer legs took larger strides causing Jordan to struggle to keep up.

Finally Jordan gave up, "Can you give me a piggy back ride?" He asked. Will laughed and squatted down for him.

Jordan smiled widely and hopped on his back, "AT DAWN WE RIDE!" He yelled thrusting his fist into the air.

Will laughed and took off towards the car. The boys arrived at the running car within three minutes. Amy rolled her eyes when she saw Jordan on Will's back.

"What the hell?" She asked. Jordan shrugged and smiled.

"My legs got tired and he was walking too fast!" He exclaimed. Will and Amy laughed as Jordan pouted.

He climbed in the backseat and pulled out his phone to check the time. It was almost five and he realised that he hadn't eaten all day.

"I could really go for some raviolis." He said a bit too loud. Amy lost it and began laughing to the point of tears.

Will doubled over and held his stomach, "Raviolis? What the hell?" He laughed.

"What?" Jordan asked, "I haven't eaten all day!" Amy pulled out of the parking lot and headed down the road.

"When we get home I'll make you raviolis, Jordan." She said from the front seat.

Jordan smiled with all of his teeth, "Yes! Thank you!" He yelled over the wind coming in trough the mirrors as they picked up speed.

Will settled his head against the edge of the window and closed his eyes. Jordan followed suit and laid down on Will's shoulder.

As Amy came to a stop at a red light she turned around and snapped a picture of the boys sleeping. "Aw!" She whispered and sent the photo to Mike.

Mike texted her back immediately,

M- that's so cute! Hey, do you know Jordan's parent's names?

Amy raised an eyebrow at the text.

A- no? Why? Should I wake him up and ask?

M- no no. I was wondering because a couple people were arrested the other day on abuse and drug charges and they denied it all. The judge believes them and wants their son returned home.

A- holy shit hang on.

"Jordan?" Amy called, Jordan stirred and sat up.

"Yeah, Amy?" He asked sleepily.

"What are your parent's first names?" She asked quickly. Jordan rubbed his eyes.

"Uh, Karen and Alex." He said in monotone.

Amy sighed, "Thank you, hun. You can go back to sleep now. We'll be home soon." Jordan nodded and snuggled back into Will's shoulder.

Amy picked her phone back up and quickly typed out a message.

A- I woke him up, he said Karen.

Within seconds there was a reply.

M- that's them.

Amy dropped her phone, she had to get those adoption a papers before it was too late. Before Jordan was gone forever.

{A/N- I'm sorry this part doesn't make any sense, it's sort of a filler to prepare for the next one}

I Remember When I Lost My Mind (Kiani)Where stories live. Discover now