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Jordan woke up the next morning in a warm embrace and a bed that was certainly not his. As his tired eyes adjusted to the light, memories of yesterday came flooding back.

Careful not to wake Will he climbed out of bed. Taking off his shirt that was soaked with sweat from his never ending nightmares, he was left in only slightly too large shorts.

Jordan didn't think anything of it and walked downstairs to thank Will's parents for letting him stay here. He wondered what his parents were doing right now.

He scoffed, probably getting high or drunk. Reaching the entryway to the kitchen, Jordan awkwardly coughed to signal his presence. Amy turned from the stove and Mike put down his newspaper, "Good morning, Jordan!" Amy smiled warmly. He waved back.

"Hello. I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay in your house on such short notice." He paused, "I suppose you'd probably like to know exactly why I need to be here, hey?" Mike took a sip of his coffee,

"Only if you're ready, son." His deep voice was such a contrast to that of his father's higher one.

Jordan took a deep breath, "Can I sit down?" He asked as Amy inspected the wounds across his torso, face and legs. "Of course! Of course!" Amy practically yelled. He smiled and pulled out a chair from the kitchen table.

"Well, my story starts when I was about six or seven. My mom had discovered cocaine and my dad was already an alcoholic. The first time my mom came home high and began to tell my dad to beat me I knew our bond was broken. Everyday it got worse but no amount of crying or begging made him stop. It made everything worse. I don't react much to pain anymore." He took a shaky breath.

"It's okay, Hun." Amy soothed. Jordan swallowed and continued his story,

"As the years went on, my mom became more and more addicted. The more addicted she became, the more money she spent and the less money we had." Jordan sighed again,

"All resulting in me getting blamed for it, and once again, more beatings. By fourteen I was working three jobs. I didn't have a car so I had to penny board everywhere." He closed his eyes as flashbacks played through his mind.

"At school wasn't any better. When the trio came along, Brayden, Ryan and Mitch, I lost my only friend, Mitchell, to them. They began terrorising me at school everyday. On Will's first day he found me lying on the floor bleeding through my hoodie after one of their attacks.

I have wear the same thing multiple times even with the blood stains because my parents don't let me wash my clothes. And um, that's the Jordan Bayani story. My little fucked up life. Pardon my French." He finished and let the tears fall.

Teary-eyed Will emerged from the dining room, "Jordan, oh my god Jordan." He mumbled through tears. Jordan stood up and embraced Will in a hug and cried. Amy and Mike stood up as well and began to soothe the crying boy.

"I don't know why you guys are helping me. I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me." Jordan whispered.

"I do. I love you." Will whispered only loud enough for himself to hear. He knew it was crazy, he'd only met this guy yesterday but something just felt, right.

Apparently Will didn't whisper as quietly as he thought he did. Within the huddle of the family he heard a faint "I love you too."

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