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Jordan's phone vibrated in his pocket as he tried to sleep. He sleepily pulled it out and saw "Mom" flashed across the screen.

"Shit." he grumbled as he hit accept, "Hello?" He asked in monotone.

"Jordan, you need to come home. Now." She replied harshly. Jordan scoffed,

"Um, no." He responded with a thick morning voice even though it was two in the afternoon.

Before his mom could utter another word the phone was ripped from her grasp, "Jordan!" His father's voice boomed through the speaker.

"Get your ass home right now or we're taking you and your little boyfriend's parents to court." He sneered.

Jordan rolled his eyes even if he couldn't see it, "Go right ahead, you dick. I just left the hospital with broken ribs that will lock your ass up." He spat.

He could hear his father gasp, he wasn't expecting Jordan to retaliate. He never retaliated because of what would happen if he did.

But he wasn't afraid now. He wasn't anywhere where he could get hurt. Will sat up next to him. "Jordan?" He asked, "What's going on?" Will's melodic accent rang through his ears. It was soothing.

Jordan turned to face him with the phone still at his ear waiting for his father's reply. He covered the speaker before answering.

"My parents are trying to get me home, so they threatened to take me to court," before he could say any more his father's voice pounded against Jordan's ear drums.

"I'll see you in court then, Ducky." His dad mocked. Jordan's eyes widened and his heart sank. He could almost hear the smirk on his face.

Jordan's face went pale as he hung up. "Jordan, what's wrong?" Will asked with a face full of concern. Jordan remained silent.

With a shake of his head he was in tears. He hadn't been called Ducky since he was a kid.

He knew exactly how to fuck with his mind, and he used it to his advantage.

He looked at Will with pleading eyes. Will pulled Jordan into his chest and held him there, rocking slightly.

Will's mom looked in the rear view mirror with a puzzled look on her face.

Will simply shook his head, he didn't know what happened or what his parents said to make him like this.

"Jordan, look at me." Will whispered. Jordan's head remained tucked into Will's hoodie.

Will lifted Jordan's head up to look at him, Jordan's red, puffy eyes stared into Will's light brown ones.

Jordan's tear stained cheeks were beginning to turn their own shade of pink. "I'm scared, Will." He finally admitted.

Will closed his eyes tightly as tears began to flow down his face. "It kills me to see you like this, Jordan." He mumbled through tears.

Jordan wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his brown and green striped sweater. "Please, Will. Don't cry. I'll be okay, really." He said sadly with a fake smile plastered on his face.

Will's light brown eyes suddenly darkened. Coldness suddenly covered the slight twinkle that was once there.

"No." He said firmly, "I'm supposed to protect you! Make you feel safe! I know you're not okay, Jordan! You've never been okay! All those times were someone has asked how you've been you lied through your teeth!" He took a breath.

"You're so deceptive and anyone will believe anything you say! Except me! I can tell when your lying! I want you to look me in the eyes and swear on my life that you are okay!" He finished.

Jordan's tear filled eyes met Will's dark ones. He opened his mouth to speak but no words could be formed.

"I can't." He finally said. Will sighed, his eyes softening at the sight of the broken boy in his striped sweater.

"I'm going to change that. I'll fix you eventually someday, I promise."

I Remember When I Lost My Mind (Kiani)Where stories live. Discover now