Chapter 30

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I stayed awake all night, waiting for the right moment. I haven't heard any screams for a while now, so I'm guessing he's gone to bed. Abby, the little girl is asleep on my bed. It was 3:46am.

As much as I was tired, I really needed to get these girls out of here. I quietly opened my door and looked both ways. I walked slowly down the steps. I looked into the living room and he was asleep on the couch.

I cursed under my breath, wondering how I'm going to do this now. I grabbed the key of the table and hurried to the basement. I unlocked the door and shut it. I quickly walked over to the lady. She was sleeping. I started to unlock her chains.

She started moving around. Her eyes fluttered opened and started to scream. I slapped myna d over her mouth.

" Shhh! I'm going to get you out of here, but I need you to be quite." I whispered. She was breathing heavily. I slowly removed my hand and she breathed in and out quickly.

I unchained her and helped her up. I looked around until I found a window. I rushed her over to it and opened it. "Wait! Where's my baby?!" She yelled.
" She's asleep in my room, but I'm going to need you to go out this window, I'll bring her to the door once you're outside."

She nodded and crawled out. " Okay, just duck down and get the the front door." She nodded and ran off. I quickly shut the window and run back upstairs. I placed the key back where it was. I ran up to my room and woke up the little girl.

" I need you to be quite, can you do that?" I whispered. She nodded still half asleep. " Okay." I sighed and lifted her up. I walked down the steps and quietly opened the door.

" Mommy!" Abby yelled. My eyes widened and I turned to look at the couch. He was starting to wake up. " Take her and run!" I handed her over, but it was to late.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you." He stood right beside me with a gun pointed at them.
" Now, I suggest you get back in this house, or I shoot your little angle," he moved the gun down so it was pointed at Abby. She shook her head. " Just let us go!" She sobbed.

" I can't do that." He loaded the gun. I looked over at the lady and mouthed
'I'm sorry.' I must have caught her off guard because she ended up being pulled back inside.

" I'm going to deal with you later!" He yelled at me. He took them bad into the basement. I took this as my chance to run. I ran as far as I could to get away from that house.

I slipped out my phone and dialled in Jordan's number. " Please pick up, please pick up!"

" Hello?" She asked in her sleepy voice. " Hey, sorry for waking you, but is there a possibility that I can stay at your place tonight?" I asked nervously.

" Um.. Sure, but wh-" I cut her off " I'll explain where I get there. And thanks."

" You're welcome?" She was still confused. " Bye." I hung up the phone and took off the her place. It took me twenty minutes. I was standing out side her house waiting for her to open the door.

The door soon opened and I walked in. I took off my shoes and followed her to her room. She shut her door and faced me. " So why are you here at four thirty in the morning?" She groaned.

" It's a really long story, let's just say it has something to do with Bradley." I sat on her bed. " who's Bradley?" She asked.

Jordan's Point of view;

Why does that name sound familiar? " Who's Bradley?" I asked. He took off his sweater and put it on the window seat. " He's my brother." He whispered.

" That name sounds familiar, but I don't know why... I don't think I have any cousins named Bradley, maybe I met someone back in cana-" I paused.

Ales looked at me confused. " How old is your brother?" I asked. He raised his eye brows, " 16, turning 17 in a few days, why?"

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