Chpater 22

279 9 3

The last mouth flew by and now we were in Orlando, Florida. I've been felling better then I have in the past. But I still have a long way to go.

" Are you ready?" Stormie called from the front of the bus. Today we were going to have a lot of fun. We're going jet skiing, cliff diving and zip lining.

I warped my bands around my wrist, to try and hide the scars. Only Ross, Stormie and Mark know.

On the second week of tour, Ross decided to tell his parents. They were surprised and also upset. I still haven't told them why though. I'm not comfortable.

I walked to the front and hoped into the van. I sat in the back with Riker and Rydel. Ross, Ryland, Rocky and Ellington were in the middle.

"You excited?" Riker asked me. I shrugged. " We'll, I haven't driven a jet ski before, I've never been cliff jumping. But I've been on a zip line. So I'm kinda nervous." I admit.

" We'll, you can ride with one of us if you'd like. And you won't have to jump if you don't want to." He said and we pulled into the resort parking lot.

" Okay, while you guys have your fun. Your dad and I will stay the the resort." Stormie said while handing us the map. This place was huge! " Make sure no one gets lost and be careful." She warned.

We all said okay and walked off. " What do you guys want to do first?" Rocky asked. We were walking in a trail that was in the woods. It was so pretty. " We'll, I think we're heading to the cliff jumping first." Ross said looking at the map.

" I can't do this!" I said as I was standing at the edge of the 30 foot rock. I looked down at the water below me. Riker and Ellington were the only ones to jump.

" Come on, I'll jump with you." Ross encouraged. " It would be scarier climbing down then it is to jump. " I still shook my head.

After watching Rocky and Ryland jump. I think I was finally ready. " Okay," I took a shaky breath. " I'm ready." I take a step towards the edge. "You sure?" Ross asked taking a step next to me.

I nodded my head. " Okay, you ready?" He asked. " 1....2....3. JUMP!" I jumped as Ross did a front flip. I closed my eyes as I got closer to the water.

Soon water was filled all around me and I opened me eyes. They stung at the salty water. I resurfaced as everyone started to cheer. " Finally you jumped! I was ready to climb up there and push you off!" Ellington yelled.

" Wanna do it again?" Riker smirked. I nodded my head and swam to the cliff.
" I told you she shouldn't have went on with him." Someone said. I couldn't make out who it was. Everything was a blur and my head was pounding. I slowly opened my eyes and the light burned them.

" What happened?" I question. I slowly sat up and I was giving a ice pack. " You fell off the jet ski and hit your head." I turned my head to see the familiar blonde boys. Riker and Ross.

. I looked around, I was still on the beach. " I don't remember anything." I said Turing back to the lifeguard. " You hit your head pretty hard. And you blacked out." He said.

" Who was driving?" I turn my attention back to The blondes. " Ellington." Ross mumbled. I laugh. " Why would you let me go on with him?"

" He wouldn't take no for an answer." We walked off back to the group. I walked right up to Ellington. He was looking a little scared, yet worried. I hit his shoulder. " You idiot" I laugh.

He looked down at me, relief showing. " You're not angry?" I shook my head. " It was an accident. It happens."

" Okay, so then let's go zip lining!" Ryland cheered. We made our way over to when we get suited up.

" Do you want to go on the two person one? I heard it's more fun!" Rydel chimed as she showed me a picture of it. " Sure." I shrugged. "Okay! Let's go!" She grabbed my wrist and started to pull me.

She was holding it way to hard and it was hurting my cuts. I tried not to make it obvious.

" You ready?" She asked as the workers hooked us up. I smiled. " Totally." Then, we were pushed and we were off.

Thanks for the 1.7k Reads guys! It means a lot!
And I'm also working on a new fan fiction right now! It's called 'How could you' so go read it!
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