Chapter 4 ( Really?)

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I let out a small groan and turn my head back to the window. Out of all the people HE had to sit beside me. Ugh! There is plenty of empty seats around here.

" Bump into anyone getting onto the plane?" He asked. I turn my head to look at him and he has an evil grin on his face. I just huffed and turned my head back." Wow, someone's grumpy." He said reaching into his pocket to grab his phone. I turn a little more so I was facing him. " And can you blame me?" I asked him. " Okay, okay I get it." He put his hands up for surrender.

Why is he talking to me is one question still going through my mind. My thoughts were interrupted when he starts to talk, again.

" So I never really caught your name." And why should I tell him my name? He's been a huge jerk. I replied quickly because I really didn't want to talk to him. " And that's because I didn't throw it yet."

" Wow Your funny and sexy. " He said with a smirk. " I'm Bradley. Brad for short.

As soon as those words left him mouth I felt like i was going to be sick. Does he think that I'm one of those " Easy" girls? That go with every guy? We'll I'm not, I'm 12. I'm not some slut that does it with everyone.

" How old are you, brad?" I said angrily. He quickly replied; " 16 and you?" I just turned my head back, put in my earphones and turn my music up all the way. I couldn't talk to this pervert anymore.

I closed my eyes for what seems like 10 minutes. Thank god thats over.He is such a disgusting pervert. People like him make me sick! I can't stand them. Can it get any worse?! And as if one cue my eyes flew open from the felling of someone rubbing my inner thigh.

I look up to see the same smirk on his face. I quickly slap his and and start yelling at him. " What, the hell, are you doing you sick pervert!"

" You know you liked it." He said giving my a wink. Right then I slapped him so hard in the face that I'm pretty sure everyone heard it. " What the hell!" He said obviously get angry. " You know you liked it." I said in a mocking tone and also giving him a wink repeating his action.

I'm pretty sure everyone on the plane right now is watching us. And after what I just said, a lot of people actually started to cheer.

I guess it's because I just stood up for my self and told off a 16 year old. I'm not one of those girls who let's people push her around. We'll I use to, but now that my parents died, and 6 years in an adoption home really changed me.

" You shouldn't have done that." He said so low that I can barley here him. He's probably still embarrassed. " And what you gonna do about it? Hit me? I'm a girl. You can't do anything." I said while smiling and laughing.

I could tell he was getting angry, that's when I called over a flight intendant and asked to move seats. Just before she took me to a different spot I told Stormie where I was going. I was quickly seated and now I don't have to worry about brad anymore.

I shut my eyes listening to music and peacefully fell asleep. It wasn't that long after I was being shaking awake.

" It's time to get off now." A filmier voice said. I opened my eyes to reveal the blonde women that I will be calling mom for now on. I rubbed my eye and got up. We walked off the plane and into the airport. We search for my luggage and head out the door.

The first thing I noticed was dunkin' Donuts. Great Now that I live in the U.S.A I won't be able to get Timmies anymore. Timmies was like my life!

Stormie guided me to a big white van. Oh no. We walked in silence for about 3 minutes. As we started to get closer my heart started to race.

" My husband drove so your going to have to sit in the back. Okay?" She asked breaking the silence. I gave her a quick nod and and opened the side door. It was a pretty big van.

It had 8 seats, 2 in the front, 3 in the middle and 3 in the back. I sat in the last seat to the right.

I heard a lot of whispering between Stormie and her husband. I went on for about 10 minutes. I just turned my head and watched out the window. I didn't want to put in music just in case someone starts to talk to me.

The car ride was extremely awkward because for

1) I didn't really know the yet.

2) I have no idea who this man is. We'll I know he is gunna be my " Dad" , but.

3) there's no music.

I heard whispering again between the two and then Stormie turned on the music. As soon as she turned it on I knew exactly what song it was. 3000 Miles- By Emblem 3.

My eyes soon filled with tears from the memory of me and Brittany, just when I was leaving.

*Flash back*

" You know your always going to be my best friend right? Even if I'm 3000 miles away, I will still be think of you and all the times we had with each other. I will never forget you and no one can take your place."

*End of flash back*

I quickly wipe the tears that were falling down my face away and clears my head of thoughts about Brittany. The next thing that happened made me tear up all over again, I saw a girl who looked exactly like her. I guess my Brian and the rest of me won't except that she's gone.

The car came to a stop and we were in a drive way. I guess that is it, my new home, great. Note the sarcasm.


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