Chapter 17

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" And what might that be?" I asked taking a seat on the bench where we first talked.

" I took you here because this is where I first met you. And." He paused. He looked up from the ground and smiled. He turned his body towards me. " I fell for you."

" Really." I couldn't help but smile. I guess I had feeling for him too. But I don't know. " Yeah. And I was wondering, if you'd like too go out with me?"

I didn't know how to reply to that. I mean, I don't know if I like him or not.

"You can take time to think about it. You don't have to decide right away." He looked down a little upset. Probably because I didn't answer him.

" Thank you." I sighed. " Yep." He said popping the 'P'. I wasn't excepting that response.

I looked down at my phone as it rang.

" Hello?" I asked Ross.

" Mom wants you home for dinner."

" okay be there soon."

" Yep." Then he hung up. Wow, what's with everyone today?

" Um. I gotta go. I will let you know the answer soon okay?" I said bending down to his level. He smiled and laughed " Okay."

I ran home, just because I didn't want to be late. I walked to the back yard and told Stormie I was home. She handed me a plate with a burger and salad. I quickly eat it and go off to find Rydel.

I finally found her in the house with Ratliff and someone I don't know. I didn't want to interrupt so I walked back out. I bumped into someone and fell backwards.

I look to find Laura. She gave me a smirk and walked away laughing.

" Are you okay?" Rydel says walking over to me. " Yeah. Thanks." I stand up to be face to face with her.

" Welcome. And don't worry. She's always like that." I look over her shoulder to see her kissing Ross. I remembered something so I turn back to Rydel.

" Hey Rydel. Can I talk to you?" I asked. She smiled " Sure. Let's go up to my room." I nod.

" So what's up?" She plops down on her bed and I sit at the edge.

" So, there's this guy; Alex. He was over earlier and we were in the pool, and, we kissed." She nodded her head for me to go on. " So after he took me to the park and asked me out. But I Don't know if I like him or not."

She smiled and got up and sat beside me. " What I think you should do, it get to know him better, spend a lot of time together, until you know what you want."

She pulled me into a side hug. " And if you don't, there's no rush. Like I say, fall in love when your ready, not when your lonely."

" That's really good advice. Thanks." We stand up and walk to the door. " No problem."

The part was soon over, and we were stuck cleaning up all the mess. We had random songs playing until one song that I would never forget came on.

The house that built me by Miranda Lambert. We always use to listen to that as a family. My mom loved country music so she always played country around us. She wanted us to love it as we'll.

My dad tried to teach me this on guitar, but I found it to hard, so I moved on. I listen to the music as I thought of how happy I was with my family.

Up those stairs, in that little back bedroom,

Is where I did my home work and I leaned how to play guitar

And I bet you didn't know, under that like oak

My favourite dog is buried in the yard

I though If I can touch this place or feel it.

This brokenness inside might start healing

Out here it's like I'm someone else

Though that maybe I can find myself

If I could come in I swear I'd leave

Won't take nothing but a memory

For the house that, built me.

I couldn't take it anymore so I ran up my stairs. I shut the door and ran onto my bed. I cried into my knees. Holding them close. Why can't I just forget. Why doesn't the pain ever stop? I can't take this anymore.

I walk into the bathroom and I found what I was looking for. A razor.

Another chapter!!
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