Chapter 3 ( Where am i going?)

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Jordan's POV:

I walked down the long hallway dragging my suit case behind me to the front doors. I actually felt bad for Brittany. She has been here her whole life and I've been her 6 years and I'm leavening before her. Hopefully she is going to leave soon.

We walk through the last door and I took in a deep breath. This is the first time I will see my new " Family". I walk through the door and there stood a blonde women.

" Hello dear. I'm Stormie." She introduced her self then stuck out her hand. I shook her hand then pulled my hand back to my side. I kept my head down the whole time. I didn't really wanna make eye contact with her. At least not right yet.

" Okay so your all set." Jessica said to Stormie.

" You ready?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed my suitcase and walked out the door.

I was really surprised on what were driving in, a limo. The driver took my suitcase and put it into the trunk while I get seated into the limo with Stormie right beside me.

" So what do you think?" Stormie asked. I knew she was taking about the limo. I just shrugged my shoulders and said " Cool I guess."

We stared driving and we were sitting in awkward silence. It's was so uncomfortable. I could feel the tense between us. We were driving for felt like 2 hours. I finally take out my ear plugs and my IPod and put my earbuds in. I pressed shuffle and the song " "Cleaning out my closet" by Eminem came on.

When ever I feel angry I listen to those kind of songs just to get it out of my system. It wasn't minutes when we pulled into the airport. Wait AIRPORT!

I turn to Stormie and quickly ask " Where are we going?" I looked right into her eyes for the first time today. " Where going home." She says with a smile and a laugh. Wow she must thinks I'm stupid or something. " I meant where is our "Home?" I used quotations around home. " They didn't tell you?" She looked surprised. They didn't tell me when I was going?

" No, now where am I going?" I ask once again get really annoyed. " Were going to L.A."

L.A! What no! My home is here in Kingston Ontario. Not in L.A. I can't be that fair away from Brittany! I can't be that far away from my home! Ugh why!

" You okay?" Stormie asked looking a little worried. It felt like I was going to puke. She must have noticed my actions because she quickly grabbed a bucket. I grabbed the bucket out of her hands and held it to my face where all my food from yesterday had came up.

Stormie pulled a hair elastic off my wrist and put my hair in a bun and rubbed my back. When I was finished she handed my a water bottle and a pill. I took the pill and drank the water. Maybe it won't be so bad having her as a "mother".

The driver opens our door and hands me my suit case. We walk into the Toronto Airport and take a seat. I turn to Stormie and ask her what time our flight is at.

" 4:30." I take a look at my phone and it read 3:56, so I had a little time to explore.

I went into the gift shop and bought a key chain with my name and a maple leaf on it. Just because I will be living in L.A now doesn't mean that I love America. I honestly love canada. With our Moses, Maple syrup, spelling colour with a "u".

I bought some magazines and gum for the ride. Stormie told me to because it helps with your ears when your taking off and landing. When I was done it was 4:25 so it was almost time for our flight.

I was making my way back to when Stormie was and bumped into someone. I dropped my magazines and gum so I bent down to pick them up.

" Maybe you should watch where your going next time." He says rudely. " Umm... Excuse me?" I say back. " Your heard me." He said before walking away.

I shake my head and walk back to Stormie. " There you are! I was scared you wouldn't make in time for the flight!" She said while out of breath. She must have been looking for me.

" Flight to L.A is now boarding at gate 5." The women said over the speaker. I grabbed my suit case and walked to gate 5. Stormie handed them our tickets and a few minutes after we ere on the plane.

" Okay so your seat is right..... There." She said while pointing to the window seat. " And my seat is right...... In front of you. So if you need anything just tap my shoulder okay?"

" Yea." I said with a sigh.

I walk into my seat and sit down. I took in a few breaths because this was my first Time being on a plane. And I guess I have to kinda be by my self. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my iPod, earplugs and gum out of my pocket. I quickly put my earplugs in then I slipped a piece of gum into my mouth.

I rested my head on the palm on my hand and closed my eyes. But I opened them a few seconds after when I felt someone sit beside me. My mouth dropped to the ground when I seen who sat beside me.


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