Chapter 11

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Stormie came in at 7:00 to wake me up for my first day of school. I wasn't happy at all. I really didn't want to go.

Right now I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. After I was done I walked out and and went back into my room to get changed. The only people awake is Stormie and Ross.

She was driving me to school and Ross wanted to come along to make sure I'm comfortable. But I know that no matter what Ross does, I'm not going to be comfortable going back to school.

I was in the process of brushing my hair when someone knocks on the door.

" Yes?" I asked out the brush down and walking over to my dresser to put some make up on.

" Can I come in?" Ross asked opening the door a little bit. " Yes." I replied putting on mascara.

He didn't say anything, he just sat on my bed and watched me. I was getting uncomfortable so I put the makeup down and turned around to face him, leaning on the dresser.

" Do you need something or..?" I asked. He look at me confused, but then he remember something and replied " Oh. Yeah, mom wanted me to come get you for breakfast. She made her famous French toast."

" Alright." I sighed and started walking towards the door. I walked down stairs with Ross right behind me.

" Morning sweetie." Stormie says putting a plate with 2 slices of French toast on it. "Morning." I reply cutting a piece and putting it into my mouth.

" Are you excited for your first day?" Stormie asked, sitting down with us. I shrugged and put another piece into my mouth. I looked at Ross and he frowned, causing me to frown with him.

I faked a smile and replied " Yeah. Just nervous." I looked down and playing with my fingers. It's a habit.

" don't worry, nothing is going to happen." She gave me a reassuring smile and got up to put her plate in the sink.

She collected mine and Ross' plate and I walked up stairs to gather all my things.

" Hey. I know your worried about being bullied again." Ross said as he walked into my room. I didn't say anything. I had everything in my bag but my binder, which I couldn't find.

" It will be okay, I promise." Ross said handing me my binder that was under my blanket. I took it from him and replied " How do you know that? I though I wasn't going to be bullied when I Friday went to school. What makes you think I won't here?"

" I'm sorry. It just, I don't want it to happen again." I felt the tears surface my eyes. I looked up at the celling and tried to blink away the tears.

Ross stood up and wrapped us Arms around me. I looked down and the tears stared pouring out of my eyes. He rubbed my back truly I to calm me.

" Shhh. It will be okay. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." He whispers into my ear, and that's when a sob came out.

" It's time to go let's- oh my stars what happened?" Stormie asked rising over to us. She put her hand on my back. Ross was still rubbing my back. I didn't want to talk so Ross did instead.

" She's scared she's going to get bullied again." He explained. I squeezed to eyes shut to try and stop the tears.

" Again?" She asked looking down at me. " She was bullied in her last school." He answered.

" Oh. Sweetie it will be okay. I will talk to the principal about it okay?" She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I nodded and removed my arms from Ross and wiped my tears.

" I'm sorry." I say looking down. " You don't have to be sorry. It's okay. Now let's go before we're late." Stormie said.

" Can I go wash up first? I will be 2 seconds." I ask. She said yes so I ran to the bath room to wash off the running makeup.


" I don't want to go in." I whisper to Ross. We were standing outside of the school. I was so scared.

" Don't worry. It's going to be alright." We gave me a reassuring smile and we walked in.

There was people everywhere. People were already looking at me funny. I felt like I was going to be sick. I grab onto Ross' arm and he looks down at me.

" You okay." He asked. I shook my head and kept walking. We finally reached the office and we sat down. Him and Stormie talked for about 10 minutes.

He showed me around the school and where my class was. Ross and Stormie left and now I was being introduced to the class.

" Class, this is your new student Jordan." My teacher said. I still felt sick to my stomach. There was two people in the back whispering and laughing.

" Boys. Quite!" She yells. The look up to the front and sit back into there seats properly.

She looked back to me and said " You can take that seat at the back beside Josh." She pointed to seat between a two boys.

I walk to the seat and sit down.

Ross' POV:

I kinda felt bad for Jordan. She looked so frightened when we first walked into the school. She held onto me like she would never seen me again.

When the principal told us we had to leave, I thought Jordan was going to freak out. It looked like she was about to cry.

"Please don't leave me." She whispers so only I can hear. She looked so scared. I didn't want to leave her, but I know I had too.

" I'm sorry, but I have too. I will see you soon though, don't worry." I frowned seeing how terrified she was. I gave her a good bye hug then I left.

" Ross come on! We have to go pick her up now!" Riker yelled. My mom had a meeting to go to so Riker said he would drive.

I jumped out of bed and walked down stairs. " Ready?" He asked. I slipped on my shoes and nodded my head. I jumped into the car

I really hope nothing happened.

We were At the school in less then 15 minutes. I got out of the car and waited outside. I was leaning against the car when I seen Jordan walking out. Her head was down. Oh no. I called her name and she looked up and walked over to where we were.

" How was it?" I ask. No answer. It must be bad. I'll ask her about it when we get home. I didn't want to bother her right now.

It was silence the whole way home. Jordan never took her stare off the ground. When we got home she didn't talk to anyone. She Just went straight to her room.

" Was it that bad?" My mom asked. " I don't know. She didn't talk. I'm going to find out wha happened after dinner." I say and I take off my shoes.

During dinner she didn't Speak. She didn't even touch her food. She just kept looking at the ground.

After dinner I walked up to her room and I heard sobbing. I opens the door and she was in a corner knees up to chest sobbing.

" Jordan." I sigh.


Happy thanks giving! 🐓🐓🍗🍗

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