Chapter 33

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I was laying outside tanning as the lynchs were having a band meeting. It's was quite except for the occasional bird chirps and meowing cats. It was quite until there was a splash coming from beside me.

I squinted as a floating football came into view. I looked around and no one was there. I stood up and reached into the pool the grab it. I dried off the ball with my towel as there was a knock on the gate door.

I walked over to it and opened it to see a guy who looks about 14 or 15. " I'm so sorry about the ball. Apparently my friend can't catch." He chucked a little bit.

" No worries." I laughed. He smiled and I tossed him the ball. " Thanks." He was about to leave until I called after him. " Do you want to come over for a swim?" I mentally slapped myself, Why did I ask that?! I stood there awkwardly.

He just smiled. " That sounds like fun. Is it alright if my friend comes?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He ran off. I went back to my seat and waited. It took him a long time, but he finally came back, but his friend wasn't there.

" Where's your friend?" I asked. He sat down his towel and took of his shoes. " He's just grabbing a towel." I nodded. " So what's your name?" He asked to fill the silence. "Jordan. You?"

" Riley." Silence took over once again. The gate flew open and there stood his friend. I started laughing. Riley looked at me weird. " What are you laughing at?" He asked.

" Alex is your friend." Alex walked over and raised a eyebrow. He also looked frightened. " I'm just kidding." I gave him a hug. He looked pretty confused.

" What?" I asked. He was trying to figure something out. " Nothing." He whispers. I ignored it and jumped into the pool, followed by the boys. We played basketball, volleyball and some Marco pollo.

" You're not mad at me right?" Alex asked. This was the 3rd time he'd asked this. " No, why do you kept asking? And why would i?" He was acting weird all day and was trying his best to avoid me.
" I'm just wondering." He mumbled and swam away. Weird

Alex's phone started ringing in the middle of our second round of Marco pollo. He jumped out as me and Riley started talking. " Guys, I gotta go, family calls." We nodded as he left.

" Were having a bonfire tonight, and I was wondering if you'd want to come over?" He asked.

I smiled. " I'd like that" he smiled back.
After a couple more games we decided to head over to his house. His parents were out back getting ready, as Reilly and I went up to his room.

He shut his door and I sat on his bed and took in what was around me. He bed was black and his walls were a dark colour too. There were pictures of girls with only their undergarments on. There was clothes scattered on the floor, but other than that, it was tidy.

We sat and talked for a long time, just getting to know more about each other. We have quite a few things in common. His parents came into his room to tell him that dinner was ready.

We walked down and there was close to 30 people hear. We ate and said our thank yous. There was a few kids here, but they were like 5 or 6.

Reilly and I got the fire going and went to go find sticks to make s'mores with.

" Hey! That was mine!" Riley just had took off my perfectly Roasted marshmallow.
He shrugged. " To bad!"

During the fire, Riley was getting pretty close to me, and by the end of the night we were holding hands. I was wearing his sweater cause I was freezing. I was only in shorts and a tee.

All the adults started disappearing and Riley and I went on a lawn chair, close to the fire. We were cuddling. I was a little shocked when he asked me if I wanted to cuddle because we've just met, but he is pretty hot so I didn't object.

" you know, you're pretty hot for a 12 year old." I raised my eyebrows. " Like you're not like most girls Ive seen. They're all skinny as a tooth pick and flat. And you, you look way older than 12."
" I'm not calling you fat either, but you actually have meat on your body, which I like." He smirked.

I know where he's coming from, I'm the only one I know who looks my age, or even older. " can you not mention my age?" I plead. He laughed. " why?"

I gave him a glare. " Cause being called 12 makes me feel like a little kid. Plus I am 13 in a couple weeks." He chuckles.

" fine." Silence took over and I listened to the cracking of the bright burning fire. I started playing with his bracelets on his wrist. I felt a little peck on my cheek and my face Turing red after the little gesture.

I looked up at him and he smiled. He slowly leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. " That was my first kiss." I mumbled as he pulled away. " Oh I'm sor-" I cut him off by smashing my lips to his.

" I never said I didn't like it." I whispered. He smirked and placed his lips back onto mine. I felt his tongue poke my bottom lip. I granted access. At this point, I have no idea what I'm doing. I've just met this guy and I'm already making out with him.

What is wrong with me?! Why aren't I pulling away?! His hand rested on my butt and he kept squeezing it.

We pulled back from air loss and was breathing heavily, " Wow." He smirked. I smiled shyly.

" Wanna hang out tomorrow?" He asked. " Totally." He gave me a kiss on the neck.
" Come on Riley, we gotta get up early." His mom was standing in the door way.

" Okay." He sighed. I stood up and he followed. He Gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
" Wear something sexy tomorrow." He winked. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

As I woke up, I had a message from Riley telling me to meet him at the park at 12 and well be hanging with his friends.

I put on high waisted booty shorts and a really short crop top v neck, something I would never wear, but I want to impress him.

I walked out the door with a long sleeved plaid shirt on so no one would see what I'm wearing, then after I'll just tie it around me waist.

"Going out," I yelled. I grabbed my penny board and headed to the park. Half way there I took off the shirt. I got a couple of whistles from boys.

As I made my way to Riley he was smirking. His friend were jaw dropped. " Hey."

" Hey." He kissed my cheek. " you did a good job with this one." His friend said giving him a high five. Then he bent down to my ear " If ya ever brake up, gimme a call."

It was a little uncomfortable but I went along with it. " Defiantly," Riley wrapped his arm around my waist.

" My buddies hear is having a party to night, wanna come?" I nodded my head. " I'm in." And smirked.

What do you think about Riley?
Do you think he's a good influence on Jordan?
What's going to happen at the party?

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