Chapter 29

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This is it, the last show of this tour. I never talked to Ross since that night. Him and Laura haven't been getting along, and it got really annoying. Their last show is in L.A, so Laura has gone home. I didn't really want to be at the venue, so I asked Alex of he wanted to hang out, so now I'm on my way to start bucks to meet up with him.

He must have just got there because he was standing in line ordering. " I'll have a Cotten candy fap please." I stood up beside him. " Make that two, please." The waitress nodded and went to make our delicious drinks. " Hey." He laughed. I nodded. " sup?" The girl placed the drinks in front of us and we paid. " thank you." We said in unison. We sat down in a booth. " So what's up?" I asked again. " Nothing really. Just hanging with you." I rolled my eyes and laughed. " Anything new happen while I was gone?" I asked. He looked down at his hands. " What?" I asked. He looked up and it looked like he was going to burst into tears. " She, she uh, didn't, make it." He chocked. It took me a second the figure out what she was talking about. It finally hit me and my jaw dropped. " Oh my god, I'm so sorry." He shrugged. " I knew she wasn't going to live that much longer, but I didn't expect it to be so soon." He wiped his eyes and sighed.

" I'm sorry. You should've called or texted me. I could've helped you out, I know what's it's like to lose a loved one...." I trail off. " What do you mean?" I grabbed my drink and took a sip. " Well, when I was younger, my parents died in a house fire.... One that I caused." I mumbled the last part. " I'm sorry for you to then. And what do you mean by ' one that I caused?" He grabbed his drink and started eating the whipped cream.

" It happened a long time ago, I'm over it. They weren't much parents anyways. But one day, I decided to make them eggs, so I did, but left the burner on. I was outside playing guitar when the house burnt down." I explain like it was nothing.

He was silent. " Okay, another subject. Have you always lived in L.A?" I awkwardly asked. He stopped drinking to answer. " No, I moved here when I was 7. I lived in canada before here." I was surprised, he didn't sound Canadian, but I guess when you live in America for a long time you catch onto their accents.

" Really! I lived in canada too! I was from Kingston Ontario." His eyes lit up.
" Me too," he paused. " You know, you look really familiar." I started to look at him to see if he seemed familiar to me. Then an idea came to me. " I shouldn't ask this, but are you adopted?" I asked Quietly. He smiled. " I don't care if people ask that, but yes, I am." Maybe he was in the same adoption home as me then.

" Did you ever go into an adoption home there?" I asked. " Yes, wait, know I know who you are! You're the girl who played guitar till midnight!" I was surprised he remembered. He left a couple weeks he came in there. Brittany and I are the only ones who's been there over 5 years.

" Yeah, I was. I can't believe you remember." I smiled. " you have an amazing voice by the way." He complemented. " Thanks." A blushed creeped upon my checks. My phone buzzed, stormie.

' Ryland needs help seedling merch. Can you come back please?' I read. I sighed. "What?" Alex asked. " I need to get back to the venue, I need to help sell merch." I stand up and Alex follows my move. " Um, I was wondering if you could come over after?" He asked. " I'm sorry, but I have to unpack everything and help everyone else." I throw my drink away. " I could help you after, if you come over." He asked hopefully.
I shook my head. " I'm sorry." I line up again and decide to buy everyone a drink. I got all their favourite drinks and started walking back to the venue. I walked inside and the first person I saw was Ryland. I rushed over to him and gave him his drink. " Oh, thank you." He grabbed the cup and smiled. " I'll be right back, just giving by the rest their drinks." He nodded and I took off the find the rest.

Riker was talking to one of the crew members. " Sorry to interrupt, but I got you a drink." I told Riker. He smiled. " Thanks sis." He grabbed the drink and ruffled my hair. I gave a small smile and walked away. I saw Ross come out of the bathroom, I sighed and called his name and walked closer to him. He turned to face me. " I bought you a drink." I mumbled. I held the tray out to him so he could grab it.

He smiled and grabbed it. " Thanks Jordan." I nodded and walked away. The rest were in the dressing room, so I placed it on the table. I got a bunch of ' Thanks' and ' You're so sweets'

As the night drifted on, selling merch to crazed fans, the show was over and we were heading back to the house to unpack. I was the first one finished, so I helped Rydel out. She had more things than me so it took a long time, but after quite a while, we were finished and now we were having a family dinner.

Most of them talked about the tour and how sad it was to see it fly by, Ellington was talking about something to Rydel which made her laugh. I kept starting at those two. I've never seen the way Ellington looked at her. It was so cute. They would be such a cute couple.

After dinner, I went upstairs, took a shower, washed my face and hands, brushed my teeth and changed into pyjamas.

Alex's point of view;

As I tried my hardest to get Jordan to come home with me, she didn't. I decided to take the long way home, thinking of a way to tell him that I didn't get her. I finally made it home and it was almost midnight. I quietly walked into the door, hearing that ear piercing scream.

I quickly went up to my room, I locked the door just in case. I laid on my bed and sighed. What am I going to do? I really hope he doesn't think I am here.

A soft, small knock came from behind my door. " What?" I yelled. No answer. I groaned and quickly opened the door. There stood a small girl who looked like who was about 6. She was crying and holding a teddy bear.

" My mommy." She cried. I sighed. I looked around to see know one there. I grabbed her arm softly and pulled her into my room and onto my bed. She started crying even more. " What's wrong?" I asked quietly trying not to frighten her. " He's hurting my mommy!" My jaw dropped. He was hurting a mother in front of her child?!

" How long have you been here?" I asked. I never knew he had a little girl hear... " Long." She mumbled. I wiped away her tears. " Okay, I'm going to need you to stay up here. Okay? And if you hear someone coming up here, hide under this bed, okay? Can you do that?" I asked. She nodded her little head. I gave her a small smile. " okay."

I stood up and stormed down to the basement. I opened the door and saw him putting on a shirt. " What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled. " What do you mean?" He laughed. " You took a mother and daughter, and tortured her in front of her kid! She's six for god sakes!" Hell I was angry. She's just a child!

" Exactly, she's only six, she probably won't remember it!" He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer. " She's probably damaged now! She would remember something like that!" I walked closer to him.

He popped the cap off the beer bottle and chugged half of it. " Speaking of kids, where's that girl I told you to bring home today? Is she here?" My heart started to race.

" Uh, no." I mumble. He set his beer down and got closer. " What do you mean, no?" I took a step back. " She needed to help her family out tonight, I tried to get her to come, I swear!" I through my hands up in defence.

" If you don't get her here, then I will!" He walked out. I quickly walked out as well and straight up to my room. She was gone. At least I know that she listened. I got down under the bed. " Please don't hurt me!" She screamed.
" Hey! Hey! It's me!" I yelled. She opened her eyes. I smiled and pulled her out.

" I'm going to get you out of here, you and your mommy." I hugged her. " I promise."

Thanks to everyone who reads and comments on my chapters!!!
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