Chapter 10

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I was living with famous people?! And no one even bothered to tell me? Wow. And being famously means they have to travel around the world to preform. So that also means sleeping in bus bunks and hotel beds.

But on the other hand, traveling the world could help me with Geography. WAIT! What about school? I would miss a lot of school! How would I be able to pass? Wow, this just keeps getting better and better. I rolled my eyes and walked out of my room.

I walked into the living room to find no one there. I walked outside to the pool to find Ross playing basketball. I went up behind him and taped his shoulder.

He turned around as soon as he shot, which was a bad idea because it came back and hit him the the head. " Ow! That hurt!" He said rubbing his head. I laughed a little and shook my head.

" What's up?" He asked. I looked around and faced him again. " Where is everyone?" I ask. I grabbed the ball and started shooting again. " They went shopping. I didn't want to go because I hate shopping, and I didn't want to leave you hear alone."

" Oh." Was all I said. " Wanna shot some hoops?" He asked handing me the ball. I grab the ball and shoot and got it in. " Not bad." Ross said. I run up and grab the ball but he quickly takes it away from me. I try and hit it out of his hand, but I hit it towards the pool and it rolled in.

" Looks like someone is going for a swim." Ross said with an evil smirk. I shook my head and backed up. " Please don't Ross." I begged. He just kept walking towards me. "Ross, don't you dare." I kept walking back until I was at the edge of the pool.

I look back at the water and just when I looked back I felt arms wrap around me and pull me away from the pool. I squealed and Ross carried me back into the house. He sat me down on the couch, and I sighed in relief.

He turned on the Tv and watched Criminal Minds. I turn towards him and just look at him. I kept my stare on him until he looked at me.

" What?" He asked. I sighed again and replied " How come you guys haven't told me?" I asked referring about them being famous.

He looked at my confused and answered, " Told you what?"

" About being famous?" He looked at me a bit shocked. " How did you find out?"

" I found one of your songs and searched it up. Then up came a picture of you guys." I said looking down. " Oh." I looked back up at Ross then at the door. Everyone started to come in with bags in their hands.

" Hey can you guys me help put these away, me and your father need to go to a meeting." Stormie called out to me and Ross. He stood up first then I slowly followed him.

Half an hour later, all the food was put away and everyone was down stairs watching Tv while I was in the shower.

I have school tomorrow. I really don't want to go. Every day I would get bullied. They would always make fun of me for being in an adoption home. They would push me around, hit me, call me names and spread rumours about me. And most of this bulling was from guys.

I look down and my wrist and trace the scars with my fingers and though about the first time I cut.

" I don't even know why your still alive? You should just go kill yourself. Your just a Pathetic little loser that no one will ever love." Says my Ex Best friend Caitlin. Having my up against a tree.

I was surrounded by all of her friends, who bully me as well. I felt a sharp pain in my left side where some one had just kicked me.

" I don't even know why I was your friend in the first place." She said looking down into my eyes. She slapped me hard on the cheek and someone punched me in the stomach. She dropped me and now I was laying down on the ground, tears in my eyes.

Everyone just started kicked me and hard as they could. " Please stop." I cried. Hoping the would stop. " Kick harder? Okay." A few more minutes went on and the final stopped. But just before they left, the biggest guy come over to me and hit me right in the face.

I stayed there for what felt like forever crying and in pure agony. I stayed there until some strangers helped me back to the home. I got into the shower, laying down because it hurt so bad.

I grabbed a razor and though about what they had said. I looked down at my wrist and started to cut. I had 10 cuts on each arm. And I had a reason for each and every one of them.

I cringed at the memory. What if this school has more bullies then the last one. What if they are bigger and tougher? I sighed and turned off the tap. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body.

I walked into my room and put on some pyjamas and dried my hair. I hate having wet hair. I don't know why. I jumped onto my bed and laid there think about tomorrow.

I as just about to fall asleep when I heard a knock on my door. I groaned. " Come in." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Ross soon walked in and sat on my bed. " Yes?" I asked.

" I just wanted to see how you were doing. You weren't talking match a few hours ago when we were putting the groceries away." He said switch spots, now he was laying on his stomach facing me. I did the same and replied " I was just thinking that's all."

" About what?" He asked sitting back up and moving beside me. " School." I said blankly. I looked up at the celling trying to hold back the tears. " What were you thinking about?" He asked. I looked down at him with watery eyes.

" Um... It's just that... Um.... I'm scared." I confessed, closing my eyes, hoping the tears would go away.

" Scared? Why?" I sighed and opened my eyes agin. " Of being bullied. I was bullied a lot the last time I went to school, and I'm scared that it will continue." Tears started to coming out of my eyes every few seconds.

I quickly wipe them away and Ross wrapped his arms around me. I started to cry harder. " Shhh, it's okay." He wipers into my ear. He ran his hand up and down my back, trying to calm me.

We sat like that for 5 minutes. I was finally calm again and my tears stopped. " I just don't want to go back." I sniffed and pick a pillow up and sat it on my lap. I started to play with the tag on it, it seems to calm me.

" It will be okay. I won't let anyone bully you. And if they do, then just tell me and I will help you. Okay?" He says looking down at me. " Okay. But I still have one more question."

" And what might that be? He asked Turing onto his side, resting his head on his hand. "What's going to happen when you go on tour?" I turn to look at him. So now were both Laying on our sides.

" I think my mom said that she's going to get you a touter." I nodded my head and shut my eyes. " Do you wanna go to bed?" He asked me. I yawned and nodded my head.

" Do you want me to stay?" He asked turning off the light. " If you want." I replied. He ran and jumped onto the bed and got under the blankets. I laughed and he gave me a goofy smile.

A little bit after I was drifting off when I felt someone kiss my forehead and whisper " GoodNight Jordan." I knew it was Ross. I smiled and fell asleep as soon as the door shut.


Sort of a filler chapter.

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