Chapter 7 ( What happened?)

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Ross POV:

I was walking back to my room to grab my pink swimming shorts. We're having a BBQ tonight and were also meeting our new sister. I wonder where she was. I never seen her around the house yet.

I was just about to my door when someone ran into me and fell right to the ground. I quickly drop to me knees and lightly hit her cheeks. " Oh my god. Oh my god! MOM!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

My mom soon run up the stairs and seen what was happening. She runs over to us and drops down to her knees. " Ross go get me a cold cloth and a cup of water." She demands. She barley even finished her sentence before I got up and ran down stairs.

I quickly wet a cloth and filled up a cup of water and run back upstairs. I handed my mom the cloth and she lightly dabbed it all around her face. Then she picked up a little water and splashed it into her face.

I worked because she started to squirm around. " Ross you can go now, I got her." My mom says, reaching under neath her and lifting her up. I walk back outside and sit down at the pool edge and put my feet into the water.

So that was my new sister eh? We'll that's going to take a lot to get use to. " What ya think about?" I turn my head to see Rydel standing above me.

" Uh.. Nothing." I turn my head back to the pool hoping she was going to leave me alone. " Look Ross, I know having a new family member is going to take time to get use to but." She was cut short when I interrupted her.

" I know, I get it, now can you please leave me alone?" Maybe that came out a bit to harsh. But I didn't care, I had a lot on my mind right now.

" Yea, I guess." She turned her head and started to walk back. I quickly stand up and grab her wrist " Rydel I'm sorr..." I was cut short by her interrupting me " Save it Ross." She says hardly.

I drop her arm and she walks off. I must have made her really mad. I didn't mean to, I just, ugh! This is horrible! This new family member thing is not working out!

" Dude, what did you do to Rydel?" Riker asked walking up to me. " oh, uh, nothing." I replied.

" Really? That didn't look like nothing to me." He said back. Boy can't he see I don't want to talk to anyone right now?

" Riker, just stop. I have a lot on my mind right now and I don't feel like talking. Okay? This new family member is just to much right now." There I finally said it.

" You don't think having a new sister is a good idea do you?" I shook my head no and walked off.

Jordan's POV:

I opened my eyes and I was laying down in my bed. I rub my eyes and turn my head. I jumped a little bit when I seen Stormie sitting at the side.

" Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Just making sure your okay." She said with a laugh.

" what happened?" I asked trying to find my phone looking for the time. I couldn't find it any where so I just asked.

" We'll you ran into my son and feel backwards and got knocked out. And 6:30"

I touch my head and through the covers off of my. I sat crossed legged and started to talk. I still had one question to ask. " Stormie, how come you didn't tell me I had siblings before?"

She looked at me a little weird. Probably because I called her Stormie and not mom. But I don't want to call her mom, yet.

" uh.. I just wanted it to be a surprise." She look me right in the eyes and opened her mouth to say something but the door soon opened.

" Honey the food is ready." Says Mark though the door way. " Okay, that you." Stormie replies back.

We got up and walked to the door. I was actually getting a little nervous because I still haven't met any of my siblings yet and I don't know what they are going to think of me. Probably a emo freak that has no life.

I walk out the door, and there was 3 blondes and 2 brunette playing foot ball in the pool. " Kids dinner." Stormie called out. There heads quickly turn to where the voice came from, but the eyes quickly landed on me.

They all kept staring at me making me uncomfortable so I asked Stormie if I could go to the bath room.

I walk up the stairs and into the bathroom. I slid down the door and put my face in my hands. They don't like me, it's obvious. I mean, who would ever like me? I wear black, i cut, i don't have a life.

I was cut short by someone knowing on the door.

" Who is it?" I asked. No one answered, just silence. " Who is it?" I ask once again walking to the door. I quickly open it and I couldn't believe who was standing I front of me.


Sorry if this chapter was shot. I just really wanted to get it done.

Anyways, ROSS WON A TCA! I'm so happy for him! He deserved it 100%.

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