3 Friday

137 1 0


I'm currently downstairs with my parents. Hey mom yes Lilly can I go over to laceys house sure honey ok cool. I got up and raced upstairs I grabbed my phone and called lacey. Hey Lilly wats up hey can I come over yea sure ok cool I'm going to pack. Lacey said alright I'll be there soon ok cool love you bye. Lacey said love you too bye and hung up. I plugged my phone in and turned on some music and packed my bag. I threw in a couple shirts and shit I would need to stay at their house. I was really excited to spend time with them I really missed those guys a lot. A couple minutes later I finished packing my bag I grabbed my phone and charger and headed downstairs. A little while later lacey started knocking on the door I got up and told my family I love them and bye. They said love you too hope you have fun I closed the door and gave lacey a hug. Lacey said hey lilly I missed you I smiled and said sameee. Me and Lacey climbed into her car and she locked it.

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