183 Saturday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and rolled onto my stomach and got comfortable. I smiled and yawned and closed my eyes and went back to sleep. A little while later Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and went into the bathroom. Andy closed the door and brushed his hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room. Andy went downstairs and took care of the animals then went into the kitchen and made some food. It is so weird not having Emma with us ever since we had her she has never left the house except for with me and Andy. A little while later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room. I grabbed some clean clothes and body spray and layed it down on my bed. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs Andy was cooking breakfast. I said did you take care of the animals Andy smiled and said yea I said ok. Crow was completely knocked out and snoring lightly on the couch. I checked my notifications and texted lacey back and put my phone down and talked to Andy. I smiled and said we can do anything we want to Andy smiled and said oh yea true. I smiled and said ugh this is nice Andy said yea its quite except for the animals. I laughed and said yea but we are childless just like old times Andy said yep. I said I forgot what it's like to not have a kid Andy smiled and said yea I agree with you. A couple minutes later Andy finished cooking and and we ate breakfast then did the dishes. Andy helped me with the laundry and we picked it up and ended up cleaning the house for the day. I cleaned Emma's room and made her bed then headed downstairs Andy was lounging on the couch. I said what are you doing he said Watching a movie I finished cleaning the kitchen. I smiled and used the restroom then headed back into the living room and sat down on the couch. Crow looked sad because he didn't have Emma he jumped on the couch and cuddled next to me. I smiled and started scratching his head and he started purring loudly. I said oh now he's happy he just wanted to be pet Andy smiled and said yea he misses Emma. I said yea he does miss her he slept in her crib last night without her. Andy said aw poor thing misses his baby I said yea a little while later I headed upstairs. I grabbed my clean clothes and went into the bathroom and turned the tub on. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom after I put my clothes down. I turned on music and put my phone down and lit a candle I sprayed some body spray in the bathroom. I took off my clothes and climbed into the tub and relaxed against it. A couple minutes later Andy came into the bathroom and crow stood up and meowed. I said hello budy and I kissed his head and smiled. Andy crouched down beside me and bit his lip and smiled and said I love you Lilly. I smiled and bit my lip and said I love you more Andy he ran his knuckle against my jaw. I said what do you wanna do tomorrow andy said what ever you want to. I said ok and smiled a couple minutes later Andy got up and walked out of the bathroom and closed the door. Crow stayed next to me in the bathroom I smiled and continued relaxing. A hour later I got out of the tub and dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on. I headed downstairs and picked up my dirty clothes up and headed upstairs. The animals were cuddled on the bed and passed out. Andy was watching movies crow jumped on the bed and got comfortable and fell asleep. I climbed into bed and cuddled against his chest and fell asleep a little while later. Andy finished watching the movie then turned off the TV and fell asleep a couple minutes later as well.

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