201 Saturday

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and answered my phone. Cc said Lilly we need to go to the hospital I said why he said laceys water broke. I said ok take her to the hospital and I will wake every one up he said ok and hung up. I quickly got out of bed and used the restroom then turned the lights on. Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I yelled EVERYONE GET UP LACEY IS HAVING A BABY. A couple minutes later we all quickly woke up and got ready and headed to the hospital. A little while later we all finally got to the hospital and headed inside. Andy said lacey coma the lady said relationship to the patient. Andy said brother she said ok and gave us the number and we quickly went to her room. I said oh my God I can't believe she's having the baby Andy said I know. A couple minutes later we all headed into the room. Cc was sitting next to her she was in a lot of pain I gave her a hug and said contractions. Lacey said yea they hurt like a bitch I said uh huh I know what that's like. I said jinxx picked up emma last night she said oh nice well baby decided she's ready to come out. I laughed and said well yea she said bitch I'm ready we all started laughing together. A little while later lacey got an epidural and she started feeling a lot better. The doctor said she was at 3 cm dilated she said damn labor takes a long time. I said oh trust me I fucking know she laughed and said I thought you were dieing. I said I felt like my vagina was being completely shredded. Lacey said oh my God get the baby out now I said your fine I just really want wine now. Andy said it's 2 in the God damn morning Lilly no I sighed and said ok and looked at Amy and she laughed and shook her head. A little while later we all fell asleep for the night a couple of hours later we all woke up and groaned fuckkkk. The doctors came in and said ok lacey you are ready to start pushing she said huh. After they got her ready she started pushing really hard. Lacey started crying and I stayed by her side the whole time. A little while later lacey had the baby and Cc cut the umbilical cord. Lacey said rose Marie coma we all smiled and I gave her a hug and said I'm proud of you. A little while later we all ate food and hung out together with lacey in the hospital room. A couple of hours later we all left and Cc stayed with lacey for the night.

EDIT: I hope you guys enjoyed this story I don't think I am making another part. I hope you guys vote and comment I love you guys so much 😚.

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