Me and Andy passed out at 5am we were extremely exhausted I was slightly sore from last night. At around 10am andy got a call and groaned fuckkkk and answered it. Andy said hey mom what's up he said uh huh ok cool see you then love you bye and hung up. I was sleeping peacefully against him andy yawned and stretched. Andy said Lilly we have to get my parents and sister are coming stay for a couple days I yawned and stretched against andy he smiled and kissed my head. He said Cc is also coming since they are married I laughed and said ok cool good night and andy started laughing as well. I forced myself out of bed and groaned fuckkkk andy started laughing and I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used it I walked put and closed the door andy yawned and stretched and said ahhh I laughed and said ok he grabbed the blanket and cuddled with it and looked at me and I bit my lip and smiled and said awww a baby he laughed and said shut up. I laughed and walked over to him I ran my hand against his face and through his hair and he smiled and kissed my wrist. I laughed and said get the fuck up he started laughing and rolled on his back and said damnnnn ok got it pissed much and I laughed and said uhhhh get up you lazy ass he laughed and got up and went to the bathroom and closed the door. I walked downstairs and the door made a noise and I opened everyone walked in and gave me a hug and I smiled. I closed and locked the door everyone put their bags down and I took care of the animals lacey followed me in the kitchen and I laughed and smiled. Lacey said how are you and my brother I laughed and said good after I took care of the animals andy hung out with everyone in the living room. Me and lacey chilled in the kitchen andy said where is my annoying little sister and laughed she walked in and said here bitch and gave him a hug and they both started laughing. I walked in the living room and smiled and looked down and bit my lip. I felt my heart race and I started getting slightly anxious a little bit and I couldn't breathe and my ribs started hurting really bad. It started to hurt when I tried to breathe I didn't know wat was causing my anxiety attack. A couple seconds later I walked outside so I could breath and get some fresh air. I walked outside and closed the door I finally got fresh air I felt like my throat was closing I wanted to cry and I didn't know why. I started crying andy walked out and closed the door he walked over to me and pulled me into his chest and kissed my head. Andy let me cry so I could feel better I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face against his chest he kept kissing my head trying to make me feel better he started rubbing my back I guess lacey walked out side and closed the door. Andy said hey whats wrong babe are you ok he pulled my face so I could look at him my eyes were red and puffy and he said awww babe he kissed my forehead and rested his forehead against mine. I sighed my chest finally stopped hurting I took a deep breath and andy didn't move his head he just kept his forehead against mine and I smiled he said I love you Lilly I said I love you more Andrew and he smiled and kissed me. I said I'm just tired I guess he said you sure your ok I smiled and said yea he said alright and kissed me. Andy grabbed my hand and we walked back inside and he closed the door and locked it. Everyone said aww are you ok I smiled and said yea I just needed fresh air. I sat down and checked my period calendar it said today I should start my period. I went upstairs to the bathroom and put on a pad because I was about to start. I wiped and saw blood I said well fuckkk and I'm happy I put on a pad I put my period in my phone and plugged it in. I felt extremely bitchy now I went downstairs and sat on the couch away from everyone. I felt like I wanted to punch everyone and anyone who looked at me. Andy said babe are you ok why are you not sitting by us everyone looked at me after he said that. I said really loudly UM WHY THE FUCK ARE ALL OF YOU GUYS STARING AT ME AND ANDREW I DON'T HAVE TO SIT BY YOU IF I DON'T WANT TO. Andy said babe calm down Jesus you don't have to sit by me and he started laughing and everyone stopped looking at me. I rolled my eyes scoffed and shook my head I just felt extremely irritated and not in a good mood. Andy started laughing and talking to everyone else I was beyond pissed for no reason. I stood up and yelled STOP FUCKING LAUGHING I HOPE YOU TURN INTO A MISERABLE BITCH. Andy stood up and said I DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS BUT YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN. I retorted back DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOUR NOT MY DAD. My heart started racing and I felt my breath hitch andy just looked at me like what the fuck is your issue everyone was staring at me like um the fuck. Andy said WHAT IS YOUR ISSUE WHY ARE YOU SO MAD AT EVERYONE FOR NO FUCKING REASON. I screamed back I FUCKING HATE YOU AND EVERYONE IN THIS DAMN ROOM. Andy just looked at me and went quiet I started crying and ran away into the kitchen and I started crying and I couldn't breathe. I slid down against the counter and sat on the floor I buried my face in my knees. Andy knelt down next to me started rubbing my shoulder and he kissed my head and said are you on your period I looked at him and said yea he kissed me. Andy sat down and grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder and cried. I said I'm really sorry that I yelled at you andy kissed my shoulder and said shhh it's ok babe I sighed and wiped my face. After me and Andy got up I took medicine and andy carried me to the couch and I sat on his lap. Everyone said oh her period andy said yea they said ouch rough I just kept my head against andys jawline. Andy smiled and kissed my head a little while later everyone went to bed Andy carried me to bed and tucked me in and I fell asleep on his chest at 2am andy instantly fell asleep and snuggled against me and I smiled.

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