153 December 21st

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The past couple of months have been pretty busy Andy and the guys have been working like crazy on their album. I have been busy cleaning the house and organizing my mom has been helping me. It is almost Christmas which is insane me and my mom are going Christmas shopping tomorrow so I'm excited about that. Andy is also going with us his parents and lacey and Cc and also my family will be coming over. We are gonna have a big Christmas at me and andys house so I have been cleaning and getting prepared for that. Lacey and Cc are gonna come over and help us decorate for Christmas so I'm excited about that. Me and Andy are going to wear our matching batman onsies for Christmas. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door. I said holy shit I can't believe Christmas is coming up so soon. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into the room. I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then headed downstairs. I took care of the animals and started listening to music then started cooking breakfast. A little while later Andy came downstairs and said morning Lilly. I said hey I'm cooking breakfast Andy said ok and kissed my shoulder. Andy said what are we doing today I said um wanna start decorating the house a little. Andy said yea sure I don't mind I said ok cool. After we finished eating and did the dishes Andy looked for Christmas decorations. I said we should do something fun Andy smiled and said ok sure that's fine with me. A couple minutes later me and Andy started decorating the house a little bit. Daredevil started barking and I laughed and shook my head after me Andy finished decorating we hung out and watched movies. A couple of hours later Andy went into the kitchen and started cooking dinner. I took care of the animals and used the restroom then headed into the kitchen. After the food was done me and Andy ate dinner and talked about plans for the week. I said me and my mom are going Christmas shopping tomorrow Andy said ok sounds fun. I smiled and said yea I'm excited I helped Andy do the dishes then we headed upstairs. Me and Andy went to bed a little while later after we finished having an adult conversation about bills and shit lmao. Me and Andy cuddled and fell asleep a little while later after we got tired for the night.

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