Me and James both walked to our other classes together we both laughed on our way to our classes. He sat down next to me and said so that guy that sat next to you he's  your boyfriend. I laughed and said actually fiance he said holy shit I showed him the ring and he said wow congrats I said thanks were going to wait till I'm 20 to plan the wedding he smiled and said oh cool I said yea I'm pretty excited about it he said I bet and I smiled. School finally ended a couple hours later me and James walked out of school together laughing and talking together. Andy was standing out of his car and I smiled and said you wanna Meet him James said uh yea sure we walked over to andy and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him he pulled back and said who's that and I smiled and said well I made a new friend. Andy said oh cool and made a face and looked at him he said who the fuck are you. He said I'm James from Ms Summers class andy said ok back off my girl he laughed and said oh my God no I completely respect you it's just she looked lonely today and I wanted to make sure she was ok. Andy looked at me and said yes it's true I felt lonely in class and needed a friend he said ok and smiled and kissed me and I smiled against his lips. James said I'll see you tomorrow and I said bye and he said bye and walked away andy said I smell trouble and I rolled my eyes and laughed. Andy and I hopped in the car and he locked the doors. Me and Andy buckled up and he started the car and we drove to my house andy sighed I said what's wrong. He said nothing and scoffed I said what he said I just don't like that kid. I said oh my God I just met him what the the fuck he said no its just I said what you don't want me hanging out with other guys. Andy said no I'm just saying I don't want you hanging out with guys when I'm not around. I said ONE I was lonely and needed a friend and TWO I'm not going to fuck him so calm down. Andy said hey wowah I never said you were gonna fuck him. I said are you jealous andy scoffed and said no of course not babe I just don't want you hanging out with other guys. I scoffed and rolled my eyes he said wow ok I said he's a nice person and I just met him and he's my friend so calm the fuck down andy said ok fine whatever princess and rolled his eyes. We pulled up to my house and I got out the car and I said andy he looked at me and smiled I said fuck you and he stopped smiling and I slammed his door shut and walked inside and closed the door and went to my room. I changed and used the restroom and plugged my phone in and went downstairs everyone was home. Andy walked in and inside and said I wasn't finished. I laughed and said oh my God go the fuck home. Andy raised his voice and said IM NOT FUCKING GOUNG HOME BECAUSE I WANT TO TALK TO YOU. I retorted back and said FUXK YOU BECAUS I CAN'T HANG OUT WITH OTHER GUYS WITHOUT YOU BEING THERE. I said I WAS LONELY AND HE WAS REALLY NICE AND HE DIDN'T WANT ME TO BE ALONE SO HE TALKED TO ME LILE A DECENT FUCKING HUMAN BEING. BUT I GUESS YOU CANT SEE THAT BECAUSE YOUR A NARCISSISTIC ASSHOLE. Andy went quiet and just looked at me and my eyes were watering and my face was red andy looked like he wanted to cry. My pulse was racing and I couldn't breathe. Andy looked down and said I'm gonna head home and he walked out of the door and closed it and my heart fucking shattered I ran outside and yelled ANDY WAIT IM SORRY. He got inhis car and speed of I yelled FUXKKKK and my voice cracked and I walked inside and slammed the door and I couldn't breathe I felt like I was gonna pass out I went into the living room my dad said come here. I ran to him and started sobbing in his chest and I started shaking. A little while later I stopped crying and we all ate dinner I kept checking my phone and no sign of andy my throat hurt so bad from yelling. Lilly: Andy plzzz I'm really fuckin sorry I didn't mean anything. I'm just aggravated that you got mad at me for making a friend. Andy 🖤: I'm not in a good mood ask your mom to bring you too school and pick you up. Lilly: babe plzzz I'm really sorry I love you. Andy 🖤: I love you too I just don't want to talk. Great fucking prom is this weekend. I said fuck this my mom said what I said I need him I grabbed my phone and keyes and wallet I said I'll be home later they said be safe I said ok. I hopped in the car after I used the restroom and drove over to andys house and locked the car and ran over to the front door Chris answered and he saw my face he whispered upstairs I said thank you he said of course. I threw my shit on the couch and took my shoes off and my pulse was hamering in my chest I opened andys door and he was sitting on his bed with really puffy eyes and he looked at me and said go away. Laceybsaid what's wrong I ran over to andy and tackled him against his bed and he hit and wrapped his arms around me and we cried in each other's arms and andy kissed my shoulder every one was upstairs watching us. Me and Andy sat up and said we need to talk I said uh huh. He said I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten mad at you I guess I was just scared that you were gonna leave me for him. I laughed and lifted andys face up and said you are the only one I want andy said and your the only one I want I said goo and smiled. Andy leaned closer and started kissing me passionately and I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and our hearts started beating together. I pulled back and said I'm so fucking sorry for what I said he said shhh babe I forgive I said are you sure he said yea and I'm sorry for how I reacted I said I forgive you and we both smiled and kissed. Andy pulled back and said let's never fight again I said oh my God no. I said I thought you were going to break up with me she shook his head and said no and me and Andy kissed again. A little while later me and Andy went downstairs and hung out with his family I said are we ok and amdy shook his head and said yea and smiled and kissed my head I said good and he said yea of course. I sighed and said I should probably head home and I got off the couch and grabbed my stuff and walked towards the door andy was behind me and I looked down and smiled I got into my car and andy lifted my face and kissed me passionately I put my hand on his face and he pulled back and said I love you so fuckin much Lilly I said me too Andy and he kissed my head and said tell me when you get home and I said ok. Andy walked away and I drove home I got home and let him know I made it safe every one was sleeping when I got home. I used the restroom and walked into my room and charged my phone and fell asleep because I was fuckin exhausted from today.

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