112 Wednesday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and rolled off of Andys chest. I looked at the edge of the bed and saw the cats sleeping at the edge of the bed. Daredevil is sleeping with cc and lacey I carefully got out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I walked back into my room and changed and put my shoes on and grabbed my phone. I quietly walked out of me and andys room and walked into cc and laceys room. I said lacey wake up she groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and said huh. I said you wanna go walk around the neighborhood she yawned and said sure and got out of bed. I walked out of her room and headed downstairs into the kitchen. A little while later lacey came downstairs and said ok you ready. I said yea sure she said ok and we walked towards the front door. I unlocked it and opened the door me and lacey walked out and she closed the door. Me and lacey walked down the porch and walked down the driveway. Lacey said it's a beautiful night I smiled and said yea its a beautiful night. A couple minutes later me and lacey walked down the driveway and walked onto the sidewalk. I said literally no one is awake lacey laughed and said its 2 am who would be up right now. I said I love you lacey she smiled and said I love you more Lilly we started laughing together. Me and lacey continued walking down the sidewalk talking about random shit and laughing together. A hour later me and lacey turned around and started walking back to the house. I said what time is it lacey yawned and said 3 am. I sighed and we continued walking home a little while later we finally got home and locked the front door. We went upstairs and got ready for bed and went back to sleep. I layed down on the bed and crow meowed and walked over to me and layed down and fell asleep. A couple of hours later Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. Andy walked into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed his hair and teeth and also used the restroom. Andy came back into our room and changed and sprayed some cologne on. Andy put his shoes on and grabbed everything he needed and walked out of our room. Cc said you ready to go to the studio man Andy said yea and they left a couple minutes later. Andy took care of Daredevil then he went back to sleep in his doggy bed. Crow was still completely knocked out and snoring lightly next to me. Femme was sleeping on the edge of the bed she was extremely comfortable. A little while later lacey came into our room and closed the door. Lacey climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep couple minutes later. A little while later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. Lacey also woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked at me. I smiled and laughed crow woke up and yawned and stretched. Lacey said aw good morning Bubba and she scratched his head. Crow meowed and I smiled and said aw my baby and I kissed the side of his body. Femme woke up and yawned and stretched and walked on top of my stomach. I smiled and she meowed and layed down and started purring loudly. Lacey said the guys went to the studio this morning. I yawned and stretched and said ok they are probably still working on the album. Lacey said yea they might be doing vocals now I said maybe I don't know. A little while later me and lacey got out of bed and used the restroom then headed downstairs. Crow and femme followed us downstairs I fed the cats and also Daredevil. A little while later me and lacey ate breakfast then we did the dishes then we chilled in the living room. I turned on the TV and looked for a movie to watch crow was laying next to me. Femme and Daredevil were both laying next to lacey on the couch. Crow rolled onto his back and I started scratching his belly. Crow started purring loudly and I smiled and bit my lip. Crow meowed and I said huh buddy you like belly rubs. A little while later me and lacey cooked lunch and we hung out in the kitchen. After we finished eating lunch we did the dishes then we continued watching movies. A couple of hours later Andy and Cc came home and locked the front door. Andy cooked dinner a little while later we all ate dinner together. After we ate dinner we did the dishes then watched movies together. A little while later we all headed upstairs and went to bed. Lacey carried Daredevil upstairs and went into her room. Crow and femme came into me and Andys room we all went to bed a little while later.

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