176 Monday

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I felt Andy wake up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and he carefully rolled me off of him and got out of bed. I rolled onto my back and woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. Andy went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed his hair and teeth and also used the restroom. Andy came back into our room and said good morning Lilly I said morning Andrew. Andy said so what do you wanna do today I said I don't know I just woke up. Andy laughed and said ok and walked out of our room and closed the door. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room. I walked out of our room and into Emma's room. Andy was changing her and softly singing and she smiled widely. I bit my lip and walked over to Andy and put my chin on his shoulder. Andy kissed my head and said you scared me lil shadow I said sorry batman and he started laughing. A little while later we all headed downstairs I took care of the animals then headed into the living room. Andy was feeding Emma and telling her all about tour I felt like my heart melted slightly. I bit my lip and smiled andy looked so happy while holding her. I said so how does it feel to be a dad Andy smiled and said it's amazing I have a tiny human I can hang out with. I laughed and said yea true Andy said I can't wait to make her a rock fan and also a Cincinnati Bengals fan. I smiled and said hell yea and sat beside Andy and rested my head on his shoulder. Andy said I have everything I need right here I smiled and said aww and kissed his cheek. A little while later Andy changed Emma and put her down for a nap. Andy helped me cook food and we ate and did the laundry and dishes. A little while later me and Andy went into the living room and cuddled on the couch. I said this is nice Andy said yea I agree I missed spending time with you and just it being us. I said yea I agree it's weird being a mom and I looked at Andy and he started laughing and said I bet. A couple of hours later Andy took care of Emma and the animals and I made dinner. After we finished eating Andy put Emma down for bed and let Daredevil out. I went upstairs and went to bed for the night Andy went to bed a little while later. 

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