111 Tuesday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked at Andy. I smiled and kissed his cheek crow got up and walked over to me and licked my nose. I giggled it he started purring loudly and I kissed his head and cuddled him. Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked at crow. I smiled and said good morning Andy he smiled and said good morning Lilly. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I walked out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom crow meowed and I smiled. I bit my lip and smiled and he walked over to me and I started scratching his head. Andy smiled and my babies I smiled and picked him up and kissed him and put him down. Crow ran over to andy and he started meowing loudly Andy smiled and kissed his head. Andy said so me and Cc might go to the studio today or have a free day. I said cool andys phone started ringing and he answered it and said hello pat. Crow ran over to me and started meowing loudly I laughed and kissed his head. Andy said ok sounds good alright later bye hung up the phone and put it down. Andy said so pat said we can have a free day I said ok that's good. Andy said yep and we can all spend family time together I smiled and said I love that idea. Andy said you wanna go to the mall and hang out with the guys. I smiled and said yea sure I don't mind suddenly lacey and Cc barged into our room. Me and Andy jumped and said Jesus Christ Cc said so we are having a free day. Andy said yea and smiled lacey jumped on the bed and layed down and smiled. I said ok works to sis and we all started laughing together. Andy said you guys wanna go to the mall and hang out with the guys. Lacey and Cc said yea sure that's fine with us. Andy smiled and said ok cool the cats ran downstairs I said ok and started laughing and shook my head. Lacey said we should probably all get ready for the day if we are leaving Andy said I got to let everyone know the plans. Lacey said oh yea right I forgot about that we all started laughing and Andy said Jesus child. Lacey said hey fuck you Andrew and we all started laughing again he said ok let's get ready now. Lacey and Cc went into their rooms and Andy called everyone and let them know the plans for today and they agreed to meet up with us at the mall. A couple minutes later me and Andy got ready for the day. I sprayed some body spray on and Andy sprayed some cologne on and we both put on our shoes. A couple minutes later me and Andy headed downstairs and waited on lacey and Cc to finish getting ready. A little while later we all finally walked out of the house and got into the car. Andy turned on the car and turned on the radio and started driving out of the neighborhood. I looked at lacey and she smiled and said I love you Lilly I smiled and said I love you more lacey and she smiled widely. Andy and Cc were laughing in the front seat and I looked out the window. A little while later we finally got to the mall and Andy parked the car and turned it off. After we all got out of the car Andy locked it and we walked over to Dillard's. Lacey held my hand while we walked through the parking lot. Andy was too busy talking to Cc to notice me and lacey behind them. A couple minutes later Andy opened the door and we all walked in and he walked behind us. Lacey said ok bow we look for the main entrance of the mall I said yep. Andy said the guys are on their way I said ok cool and we all started walking through Dillard's. Me and lacey stopped at a section for men's cologne Andy and Cc said lacey and Lilly seriously. We looked up and said yes seriously in sync and we started laughing together. A little while later me and lacey walked away from the cologne and met back up with the guys and continued walking. I plugged my earbuds in and listened to music while walking around the store. A couple minutes later we all finally got into the main part of the mall. I wasn't paying attention because I was busy listening to music. Lacey grabbed my hand and I jumped and said oh and started following behind her. I started laughing slightly and I shook my head because it scared me. Andy and Cc were in front of me and lacey I have no idea what they were talking about. I was in my own little world while listening to my favorite songs. A couple minutes later I took out one ear bud and walked up to Andy and grabbed his arm. He smiled and kissed my head lacey ran over to Cc and grabbed his hand. He started laughing and spun her around. I said I love you Andy he smiled and said I love you more Lilly I said so where are we gonna meet up with the guys. Andy said I'm not sure cc said candy store Andy said fine we all walked to the nearest candy store. We all walked in and started walking around cc was super excited and so was lacey. Me and Andy laughed and walked around the store I said well are you excited about tour. Andy said nope and he kissed my head and said I don't want to leave my best friend. I said yea I know I feel the same way but you have to go. Andy sighed and said yea I know but I hate leaving you I said yea me too and I kissed his shoulder. A couple minutes later andys phone started ringing and he answered it and said hello. Andy said hold on he said I'm gonna talk to jinxx so I can let him know we're we are. I said ok and Andy walked away I walked over to Cc and lacey. Cc said where is Andy I said jinxx called and he wanted to know where we were. Cc said oh ok cool thats fine with me lacey said Lilly look and she showed me a cute pillow. I said aw wait why is that cute and we all started laughing together. A little while later the guys came in the store and gave us all hugs. I smiled and said ugh I missed you guys they said us too Lilly. We all continued looking around the store for a little while longer then we walked out. Me and lacey were hanging out behind all of the guys. Lacey was smiling widely while walking I bit my lip and rolled my eyes. Andy and Cc turned around and grabbed me and laceys hand and we all continued walking. A little while later we all walked into a random clothes store and looked around. I looked at lacey and she was laughing with cc. It made me smile and look down I looked up at Andy and he smiled and kissed my head. The guys said Andy come here and he walked away and went over to the guys. Lacey looked at me and instantly walked over to me and gave me a hug. Me lacey and cc continued looking around at all of the different clothes. Andy was having fun while laughing with the guys. Lacey said oh I found a cute fucking shirt me and Cc started laughing. A little while later we all walked out of the store and continued walking around the first floor of the mall. Me and lacey laughed at random store names and so did the guys as well. Andy said who comes up with these names I said I don't know honestly. A little while later we all walked into a shoe store and we walked around. I got slight PTSD from when my dad took us too these stores. I started getting slightly anxious Andy noticed and we quickly walked out of the store. Andy said sorry Lilly I forgot your dad took you to places like this. I said no its fine I'm done and I don't miss him anymore. Andy kissed my head and said I'm here if you need anything. I smiled and said thanks he said of course babe and he kissed my head and held my hand and also kissed it. A little while later we all went up to the second floor and started walking around. We went to Hot Topic and Spencer's and bought band merchandise and different things. I went to bath and body works and bought a couple of things and also candles. Me and lacey went to Victoria secret an hour later the guys went their own direction. Me and lacey bought a good bit of stuff then we went to the food court. After we got food we sat down and started eating and talking about random shit and laughing. A little while later after we left the mall every one headed home. After we got home we picked everything up and got ready for bed and ate dinner. After we ate we all went upstairs and went to bed because we were exhausted from walking.

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