A couple minutes later a frantic andy ran into Hot Topic. Andy saw me and ran over to me and grabbed me and kissed me and pulled me into a hug. I said holy shit andy he pulled back and said what the fuck. I said wow you get scared I thought you didn't want to be near me. Andy said no shut up my heart stopped fucking beating when I thought someone stole you. I looked down and said I'm sorry he said no I should just be more protective of you and I looked up. Andy said from now on you have to stay beside me understood I smiled and said ok andy said God dammit I'm out of breathe and he hunched over and I laughed and he looked at me. I said your really sweaty he said no duh I fucking ran he said come with me I need something to drink and clean up I smiled and said ok. Andy called his parents and they met up with us andy went to the bathroom. I kept apologizing to Amy and Chris and they said we are just you are ok we sat down and drank something and waited for andy. Lacey grabbed my hand and slapped it I said ow wat the fuck bitch she said that's wat you get for scaring the shit out of all of us I looked down and said yea I know. Lacey said I'm just happy you are ok I said yea me too Andy walked back over to us and said yall ready to continue walking. Amy and Chris said yea I just kept my head on laceys shoulder the whole time. Andy said alright lets go we all got up and started walking. Andy immediately put his arm around my waist and pulled me close I smiled because he was really protective and he smelled really good. I'm just happy that he actually fucking cares about me. We all walked back into Hot Topic they all smiled and said welcome back me and lacey went straight for the band merch wall. I was holding andys hand tightly when we walked back to the wall. Andy started laughing and said damn yall act like this shit is candy me and lacey laughed and said well it basically is for us. Andy laughed as well and said oh helll yea I agree with you guys. Me and lacey started getting really excited when we saw bands we knew I had my purse I also had coupons I started picking out band merch and walking around I obviously grabbed a batman shirt. Andy quietly said ayee my girl and he whispered it in my ear and I blushed. Amy and Chris were talking about I don't know. We all got to the cash register I gave the lady my coupons Andy quickly busted out his wallet I laughed and said no and he payed the lady he said too late babe. I laughed and shook my head the lady was putting my shirts in a bag and said are you guys dating I smiled and looked down and said no. She said aw man you guys would make an amazing couple lacey said I know right every one started laughing. Andy grabbed the bag she said have a nice day I said you too she also said I hope you guys do date one day andy said yea me too. I looked at him and he smiled and said what it's true I felt my heart start beating fast and I turned my head and quickly walked away. Andy sighed and started walking towards me I kept saying in my head "guard your heart and Don't fall in love or you will get hurt." I bit my lip and felt andys arm around my waist and he kissed my head.  I didn't want to fall for him but I already was and it was killing me because I really wanted him sooo bad and he knew it. We all walked around for a little while longer I started getting hungry. Amy said we will pick up food on the way home and everyone said ok sounds good.

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