122 Saturday

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Someone started banging on the door and me and Andy jumped and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. Andy said what the fuck and he got up and walked over to the door and opened it. Cc walked in and said hey guys we have to leave soon. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I used the restroom then headed back into the room andy went into the bathroom and closed the door. I quickly packed up and also packed andys bag. A couple minutes later me Andy and Cc all headed downstairs. Pat said ok hand the room keys in and Andy did we all headed inside the tour BUS and got comfortable. A couple minutes later the tour bus left the hotel and headed down the highway. Pat sat in the front seat with the driver and they talked about random shit and laughed together. I was wrapped up in Andys arms he was laughing with the guys. A little while later I fell asleep on Andy and he smiled and kissed my head. Pat said we will stop soon so we can use the restroom then grab some snacks. Cc was excited about that of course because he loves food. A little while later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. Pat said alright we are at a gas station so everyone let's go. Everyone got up and walked off the bus I yawned and Andy grabbed my hand. We all walked into the gas station and immediately used the restroom. Me and lacey walked around and picked out snacks and drinks. Me and lacey walked into an isle and saw a group of guys on the other side staring at us. I said ok weird and continued looking around lacey started laughing and I smiled and shook my head. We walked out of the isle and met up with the guys and checked out. A couple minutes later we all walked out of the gas station Andy pulled out a cigarette and lit it up and started smoking. I walked over to him and gave him a hug he said hey babe and he kissed my head. I said so are you excited to be touring again Andy smiled and said fuck yes. I smiled and said good I'm glad he said yea me too. Andy leaned down and kissed me I smiled against his lips. I said we should do something fun he said ok sounds cool. We started laughing together and he shook his head and said fuck I love you. I smiled and said me too a couple minutes later me and Andy got into the bus and Andy locked the door and sat down. I went change and come back into the hang out area and climb on the couch and go to sleep. Lacey said I can't wait until the next show the guys said ugh yeah us too I'm excited. A little while later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got up. I grabbed some snacks and something to drink and sat back down. I played on my phone and chilled on the floor next to Andy. He smiled and rested his hand on my head I said ok and laughed. A little while later we all stopped by a restaurant and picked up food and continued heading down the highway. While we were eating we played games together which was really fun. A couple of hours later we all got to the next hotel and we all headed inside. The guys had to get ready for the show I sat on the bed while Andy got ready. I smiled and said I love you Andy he smiled and said I love you more Lilly. I bit my lip and layed back down on the bed and sighed. Andy said you ok babe I said yea just tired a little bit. He said stay here and rest I said are you sure he smiled and said yes babe I said ok. A little while later the guys left and headed to the venue. Lacey came over and said girls night I smiled and said yep and she smiled. Me and lacey did some face masks and other things we also ordered food. After the food got here we chilled on the bed and watched movies. A couple of hours later a sweaty Andy walked in the room and so did cc. Me and lacey said hi they said why hello ladies I said ew you smell like dogs. We all started laughing together a little while later lacey and Cc left. Andy took a shower then climbed into bed I cuddled with him and fell asleep for the night.

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