145 a couple of months later july

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My 21st birthday is coming up and I'm super excited about it Andy has been busy working with the band on music. Me and lacey have been spending time together and with our parents. Me and my mom talked about going on a girls day and I'm super excited about it. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. Andy also woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed as well. Andy said so what are you doing today I said going out with my mom. Andy said oh that sounds like fun and he gave me a hug and kissed my head. I went to the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed into our room. Andy went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed into our room. I went into our closet and changed and sprayed some body spray on and finished getting ready for the day. I put my shoes on and walked out of the closet and grabbed everything I needed. I said I'm gonna head to my mom's house Andy said ok and gave me a hug and said love you bye. I gave andy a hug and kiss and left and walked out of the front door and got into the car. I left and headed to my mom's house and jammed out to music and smiled. A little while later I pulled up in my mom's driveway and parked my car. I got out of the car and headed inside my brother opened the door and I walked in and closed the door. My brother said mom is getting ready I said ok and I quickly used the restroom and waited for my mom. A little while later my mom finally finished getting ready and came downstairs. I smiled and gave her a hug and she said my baby and I laughed and said yea. A little while later me and my mom left and went to olive garden. Me and my mom sat across from each other she said how are you and Andy. I smiled and said good she smiled and said good I'm glad you guys are absolutely adorable. I smiled and said yea I told him I was going out with you today and he slipped money in my wallet. My mom started laughing and said aw that's so sweet of him. I smiled and said yea he's kind of a lot but I fucking love him. My mom said your 21st birthday is coming up soon. I smiled and said yea I know I can't believe it My mom said yea it's crazy. After we finished eating we went out and got our hair and nails done. After we did that we went shopping at the mall and went to Ulta and Five Below. We got back to my mom's house at 4 pm I left and headed back home. After I got home I went upstairs and changed and got ready for bed. A couple minutes later I headed downstairs I said Andrew he said in here babe. I went to the kitchen and he said woah I fucking love your hair. I smiled and said thanks and gave him a hug after he finished cooking we sat down and talked about our day. A little while later me and Andy headed upstairs and went to bed for the night. I cuddled against andy and we both fell asleep a little while later.

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