32 Tuesday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk I grabbed my phone and checked the time it said 1 am. I said ummm wat the fuck I sighed and got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I walked back into my room and yawned and stretched I layed on my bed and played on my phone for a while. I yawned and checked the time it said 2 am I definitely was going to bed. I put my phone down and rolled onto my stomach and got comfortable. I fell asleep a little while later. I woke up a couple hours later to my mom turning my light on and said to get up she closed my door and I groaned fuckkkk I don't want to get up. I yawned and stretched I forced myself to roll over and get out of bed. I got up and went to the restroom and brushed my hair and teeth and used it as well. I walked back into my room and went to my closet and opened it. I grabbed a random shirt and jeans and threw them on I sprayed some body spray on and yawned and said fuckkk I'm exhausted. I walked over to my night stand and grabbed my phone. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs after I closed my door I used the restroom and then headed downstairs and sat on the couch. My mom said are you excited to spend time with us this weekend and she Clapped her hands and made a weird noise. I rolled my eyes and said sure she said Lilly Rose Morgan I said what yea I'm excited she said ok I'm happy I get to spend time with my baby I said yep me too and sarcastically smiled at my mom. In my head I was screaming I WANT TO FUCKING DIEEE ANDY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAVE ME RIGHT NOWWWW. I bit my lip and looked at floor because I remember when me and Andy had sex for the first time in the shower. My mom said Lilly I said huh and my brother laughed and mocked me and said huh I rolled my eyes and said what. She said do you wanna go to the mall this weekend I said yea sure she said ok your dad wanted to know I said yea she said ok I will let him know I said ok and looked out the window and waited for andy to call. A couple minutes later andy called and I answered he said I'm here I said oh thank God and he laughed and I got up and walked out side. Everyone said I love you bye I just closed the door and walked away. I groaned fuckkkk I don't want to be here this weekend I climbed in andys car and said hi and closed the door. Andy said that bad I said yea I'm going to the mall this weekend andy said aw babe and kissed me and I smiled he said it's ok you can talk to me I smiled and said good lacey said me too I laughed and said ok bestie and we all laughed. Andy ran his knuckle against my jaw and I smiled he said you ready for school I shook my head no and he laughed and said ahhh same babe and kissed my head I bit my lip and smiled I buckled up and andy started driving and I laughed for no reason.

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