67 one month later

23 1 0

So it has been 1 month after graduation which is crazy. My brother turned 22 and we all hung out together at our house and had a grill out which was really fun. It's currently July 1st my 19th birthday is coming up I have a job at Sally's beauty supply store so that's really fun. Me and Andy have been talking slightly about wedding plans but nothing too crazy we are talking about the honeymoon spot. My step siblings are still in school right now. I have to go to work and enjoy my job because it's really fun. I got to work and I work as a cashier and help people it's Saturday right now. I'm talking to my friend Lucy she's really nice and hilarious. Lucy laughed and said hey Lils isn't that your man I said huh and walked over to the register andy was in a kiss shirt ripped jeans he had a batman hat on and sunglasses. My breath hitched he looked really good and he smiled and said hey babe and he took off his glasses and put them on his shirt and smirked I said hey babe wat are you doing here he said I wanted to see my babe he walked over to me and I smiled and said well hi and laughed. Andy walked up to me and laughed as well I looked at him and he leaned down and kissed me and I smiled against his lips and he pulled back. Lucy said babe you need to stock shelves I sighed and said oh shit right Andy said you need help I said oh please he said of course. Andy helped me to put stuff on the high shelf my boss is really sweet she said oh hey andy he said oh hey Mrs Reed she smiled and gave him a hug. She said thank you for helping Lilly he laughed and said well I'm always gonna help out my wife and he kissed my head and I blushed like crazy. Lucy said Lils I said yep she said hey I have a dealyo I said oh hell no not another andy and we all started laughing I walked over to her and said wat is the dealyo and Laughed. She said so what are you doing for your 19th birthday I said huh I don't know Andy put his elbows on the counter and said yea nabe what are our plans I said I don't know. Mrs. Reed said well you guys are off for the 4th and Lilly on the 5th because of your birthday and I smiled and said thanks. We all did work andy helped of course which was absolutely amazing of him to do and I love him for that. I got off at 4 pm I said andy my shift is over he smiled and said ok sounds good and we both left after I clocked out i make really good money here which is really nice. I walked over to my car and unlocked it andy grabbed me and kissed my head and I smiled he said where are you going I said home and laughed he said ok see you there babe and I laughed and said ok and he kissed my head and walked away. I climbed into my car and immediately locked it I buckled up. I turned on my radio after I turned my car on I started backing out of my parking spot and started driving out of the parking lot. I noticed a black car following behind me and I saw his hat and glasses and I smiled and shook my head. I got to a red light with the handsome stranger behind me 🤣. I started jamming out on the way back to my house I pulled into my neighborhood. Still this damn stranger was following me and I laughed my ass off and said thats fucking scary. I pulled into my driveway and parked my car and guess what this person also did the same thing and I laughed and got out and closed and locked my car andy did the same thing. I laughed and walked over to him I said hey handsome stranger he laughed and said why hello beautiful stranger and I laughed and smiled. Andy walked over to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately and he moaned slightly and I smiled and said I love you andy he said I love you more Lilly and kissed my forehead and we walked inside I unlocked the door and walked in every one was in the kitchen. Andy went into the kitchen while I went upstairs and plugged my phone in and changed and used the restroom as well. I went downstairs after I used the restroom andy was talking to my family and I smiled and bit my lip. I slapped andys ass and he jumped and turned around and and immediately grabbed me and I started smiling and laughing and he said grrr and he started tickling me and I screamed ANDYYY NOOOO STOP. I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard my mom said andy stop shes gonna piss on herself andy stopped tickling me and I ran to the bathroom before I could pee on myself. Andy said ohhh shit my bad and started laughing as well. A couple minutes later I came back into the kitchen and we all ate food and talked about plans for the 4th and my birthday. My dad was gonna grill at the house for the 4th and we were all gonna hang out and watch fireworks andys family was gonna come over and hang out with us. After we all ate andys chased me too my room and I was laughing my ass off. I fell on my bed and andy fell beside me and we were both laughing our asses off. I rolled over and layed on andys chest his legs were hanging off my bed and he kissed my head and I smiled. A little while later everyone went to bed I got up and went to the bathroom and andy used the restroom and went back in my room. I turned my fan on and lated in my bed Andy closed my door and bit his lip and walked over to my side and I laughed. Andy walked over to me and lifted my head up and my heart started racing andy ghosted his lips over mine and then he started kissing me passionately and I felt my heart go into my throat.

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