72 new years

17 1 1


I woke up and groaned fuckkkk I grabbed my phone and said oh shit it's new years day and I started smiling and layed back down. I yawned and stretched I was like I'm exhausted. I got up and used the restroom and went back to my room. My brother and his wife were coming over so she could cook and Andys family was also coming over as well. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs my mom said it's a new year tonight I laughed and said yea mom I know. She said your brother might bring alcohol I yelled BITCH GETTIN TURNT UP. I shook my ass my mom said Lilly rose Morgan I laughed my brother said ew stop and I laughed and gave him a hug he said the fuck sis never again and I laughed. It was 11 am and I yawned my dad was at work a little while later my brother and his wife came over I gave them both a hug. They put the alcohol up and they also had fire works so that was fun. My brothers wide started cooking and my brother helped we all started jamming out to music I put my hair in a high ponytail and I laughed. At around 12 pm Andy and his family came over I gave andy a hug and kiss and said I love you babe he smiled and said I love you more Lilly. Cc and lacey gave me a hug and we all laughed and hung out. Me and lacey started jamming out and everyone looked at us and laughed. Andy smiled and said my girls are insane and me and lacey started laughing. Me and lacey got up and went into the kitchen and my brother and his wife both laughed at us me and lacey were dancing all around the house enjoying ourselves. Everyone was laughing and cheering us on and we both laughed and smiled at each other. We were having the time of our lives she had been my best friend since forever we could just be out crazy crack ass selves. 🤣🤣🤣 A little while later my brother and his wife were still cooking and my brother made Jungle Juice and I started laughing and said ohhh shit and my brother laughed as well and said ohhh nooo. It was 5 pm when the food was done I drank a little alcohol and andy was like oh no babe that's enough and I started laughing lacey drank some as well Cc said alright lacey that's enough. We said aww no fun we all hung out and laughed I put my head on andys shoulder and started laughing my ass off. I got up and went to use the restroom lacey followed and used the restroom as well. We all jammed out to music and me and lacey started singing and laughing as well everyone was like oh boy and started laughing like crazy. It was 11 pm my dad started getting the fireworks ready for us by this time me my brother his wife and lacey were all hammered it was hilarious. I filmed a bunch of funny shit. Andy you look fuckin hot andy said babe your really drunk I said no and kissed him and he smiled and said I love you Lilly I said I love you more Andrew. A little while later we all started doing fireworks outside my brother threw a sprinkler at me and said hey asshole and laughed andy said oh no. A little while later we all went inside and hung out with the family and watched the New York Ball drop me and lacey were. Excited 12 am hit and we all yelled HAPPY NEW YEAR. Andy ran over to me and hoisted me up and started kissing me passionately I cupped his cheeks and kissed him passionately as well. I pulled back smiling and said happy new years andy said happy new years and smiled and kissed me again. I said I love you andy he said I love you too lacey. Andy fell asleep in my room lacey and Cc fell asleep in the living room same as my brother and his wife. Me and Andy fell asleep at 2 am andy wouldn't stop kissing me and it was adorable but I didn't mine at all.

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