199 Sunday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and felt like I was about to die. I was in so much pain and I took medicine then used the restroom then headed into bed and fell back asleep. A couple of hours later Amy and Chris woke up and picked up emma and headed downstairs. Me and Andy were still sleeping in bed because we were tired from yesterday. A couple of hours later me and Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. Me and Andy went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed our hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room. A little while later me and Andy headed downstairs and ate lunch since we missed breakfast. I stayed in the living room since I had to keep my foot propped up on a pillow. I ended up playing on my phone and watching movies with Emma while everyone was in the kitchen. Emma said momma are you ok I said yea don't worry and I kissed her head. Emma cuddled against me and I smiled and started scratching her head and she smiled. A little while later everyone came in the living room and we all watched movies together. Andy put on a movie and Emma fell asleep a couple minutes later. A couple of hours later Andy went into the kitchen and started cooking dinner. Amy and Chris helped me take care of Emma and got her ready for dinner. A little while later we all ate dinner I ate in the living room. After we all finished eating Andy did the dishes and Amy and Chris hung out with me in the living room. A little while later Andy took care of the animals and put Emma up for bed. Chris carried me bridal style upstairs Amy took a picture of us and Andy was laughing and shook his head. Chris put me down and kissed my head and he went to bed. A little while later me and Andy cuddled and talked about random shit and laughed together. Me and Andy fell asleep when we got tired from talking for the night. Andy got out of bed and went into the bathroom and used the restroom. A couple minutes later Andy came back into our room and climbed into bed and went to sleep for the night.

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