167 day 1 monday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and said ow my vagina hurts. I looked over and saw the baby I said Emma Rose Biersack the doctor came in and I told her the name and she smiled and wrote it down. The doctor said beautiful name I said yea it is she checked up on Emma and handed her to me so I could feed her. Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got up and walked over to me. Andy kissed my head and said the baby is beautiful I said Emma Andy said her name. I looked up and smiled andy said Emma I love it and he smiled and kissed me. I said yea I know the doctor smiled and left so we could have alone time. Andy sat in the chair next to me and watched me feed the baby. I looked down at Emma and smiled and she smiled while eating I said aw Andy said aw she's smiling. I said we have a kid Andy said yea thats interesting I said uh huh now time to be adults. I said well we have been acting like adults for a while Andy said well yea that's true. A little while later Andy changed Emma's diaper and washed his hands and held her. A little while later me and Andy ate food and he put her down to take a nap. A little while later after we finished eating ended up taking a nap. A couple of hours later a nurse checked on us lacey and Cc came over. Lacey said mom and dad are cleaning up the house and doing things for you guys. I smiled and bit my lip and said that is so sweet of them. Cc sat down and held Emma I said her name is Emma lacey and Cc smiled and said that's that's beautiful name. A little while later Amy and Chris came to the hospital and spent time with us. Amy said are you ready to go home I said yes you have no idea. We all hung out and played games together and we ate food. A couple of hours later everyone left and me and Andy ate dinner and I fed Emma. After I finished eating Andy had to change Emma and he gave her a bath. A little while later Andy put Emma to sleep and we hung out and talked about random shit and laughed together. A nurse came in and checked us out and said you can go home Thursday. Me and Andy smiled and said oh how fun I can't wait to see the babies. I smiled and said I miss my babies Andy said yea me too. A little while later me and Andy fell asleep after we knew Emma was asleep for the night. Andy fell asleep on the couch a little while later I got comfortable and fell asleep for the night.

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